Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Republican National Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican National Committee. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2010

Black Conservative Group Launches Petition Drive to Remove RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND Action, a national organization created to educate, motivate, and rally Americans to greater involvement in the moral and political issues that threaten America, announced today that his group is launching a "Michael Steele Must Go!" petition drive. Rev. Peterson was one of the first Republicans to publicly call for embattled RNC Chairman Michael Steele to step down last January, citing his financial mismanagement and lack of conservative convictions to lead the committee.

We don't have a favorite in this race yet, but one thing is clear, the national GOP needs a party builder who can raise funds, recruit quality candidates, improve the state and national party machinery, and most urgently, fix state rules governing the party nominating process.
We do not need someone who hires friends and relatives at three times the usual salaries, promotes himself, undertakes personal book tours, attacks icons of Republican thought like Rush Limbaugh, and takes the bows on election night after contributing absolutely nothing to the final outcome.

The time has come for the GOP national committee to elect a Republican spokesperson who can lead the the party to full control of the Congress and the White House and a national redirection toward small, accountable, constitutional government.

To sign Reverend Peterson's petition
click here.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

N.C. GOP Chair Calls for Steele to Step Down

From Newsmax
By David A. Patten

wing GOP insurgency bent on ousting RNC chairman Michael Steele appears to be gaining momentum, after two RNC committee members called for Steele to resign Thursday afternoon.

Also, sources tell Newsmax that a veritable flood of angry e-mails from key Republicans has poured into GOP offices over the
past week. Republicans are complaining that the questionable RNC expenditures, which culminated in last week's "strippergate" scandal, have created a major distraction at a key point in the election cycle as the midterms begin to loom large.

A significant portion of the rising resistance to Steele's tenure is coming from black Republicans, who are frustrated that Steele earlier this week appeared to partially blame his problems on racism.

Read the rest of this entry >>

Monday, March 29, 2010

Too Much is at Stake; Steele Must Go!

As we have noted here, here, here, here, and here, the current Chairman of the Republican National Committee is not merely unqualified for the job he has been given to do, there is every indication that he is mentally disturbed.

The nation has crossed the line to tyranny, our Constitution has been trammeled, the checks and balances that are supposed to be guaranteed by three, separate and equal branches of government no longer exist, our currency is debauched, rampant inflation is around the corner, the nation faces economic collapse and control by enemy creditors, our President has alienated our traditional allies while cozying up to Marxist despots, and a tidal wave of illegal immigrants may soon be added to voter rolls, ensuring that those destroying our nation may continue unhampered by the democratic process.

We need an opposition that is one in mind and spirit with our nation's founders. Republicans must be willing to put their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor on the line to take the nation back from those destroying it. We must all do whatever is necessary to restore the foundations of the old republic, repeal destructive and alien socialism, and ensure that the Constitution never again comes under such an internal assault.

In the face of our national crisis, we have a Republican Chairman who refuses to spend time building the party machinery, raising funds, and recruiting the strongest candidates. And only a few months ago, he dismissed any idea of taking back the Congress. Instead, he has promoted himself and his book, while giving comfort and amusement to those he should challenging. Today we learned that in his self promotion, he travels in style and obviously has no understanding that America's hope lies in moral, spiritual and cultural renewal.
"A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex."
Too much is at stake to tolerate the antics of this affirmative action buffoon.

If Republican candidates want to be taken seriously about radically changing the leadership and direction of the country, they should first demand a radical change in the leadership and direction of the Republican National Committee.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Black Conservative Leader Calls on Michael Steele to Resign

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, nationally syndicated radio and TV personality, author, and founder of The Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny (BOND), a group dedicated to promoting the empowerment of African Americans, has called on RNC Chairman Michael Steele to resign.

We can only hope that other Republican and conservative leaders will also step up and ensure that the Republican National Committee has dynamic, conservative leadership going into the 2010 elections.

The following is Reverend Peterson's statement:
"Despite the hope that many Republicans see in a Scott Brown victory, the Republican Party has a serious problem--namely Michael Steele. In the short time since Steele was elected--he's acted less like a friend and more of a foe to conservatives.

"On election eve, anticipating a Brown victory in Massachusetts, Steele claimed that the RNC 'has been working very diligently behind the scenes' (prematurely taking credit for the victory). Whatever effort Steele put into Brown's campaign, it's too little too late for him. Steele has allowed his ego and need to be liked by liberals get in the way of being an effective Party Chair:

Earlier this month, Steele appeared on Sean Hannity's TV show and stunned everyone when he announced that the GOP couldn't win back a majority in the House in 2010.

In November of 09', the RNC Chairman appeared on TV One, a liberal black network, and reinforced the lie that white Republicans are fearful of blacks.

In March of 09', he appeared on CNN with a liberal host and dismissed Rush Limbaugh as an 'entertainer' whose show is 'incendiary' and 'ugly.'

"When some Republican leaders rightfully criticized Steele for his slams against Republicans, Steele told them to: 'Get a life... If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up.'

"Michael Steele is a weak leader and he needs to resign or be fired. We need someone who's not afraid to boldly promote strong conservative Republican ideas. The only reason Steele is still RNC Chair is because he's black and the party is terrified of the implications of firing him.

"The Republicans have a serious leadership problem with Steele at the helm and they had better correct it, or what could be a historic November election could instead be a disaster, and in 2012 Barack Hussein Obama--God forbid--could even be re-elected!"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Steele's Spending on Friends Spurs Special Meeting of State GOP Leaders

The Washington Times is reporting today that RNC Chairman Michael Steele has hired longtime associates and family friends at salaries nearly three times that of their predecessors in the jobs. His spending and, we hope, his psychotic behavior and lunatic comments will be hot topics at a special meeting of Republican state party chairmen Tuesday and Wednesday in Washington's Maryland suburbs.

If financial malfeasance provides the excuse to get rid of a party chairman who is demonstrably unsuited for the job, we hope party leaders will seize it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Steele Yields Powers to Foes in RNC

From The Washington Times
By Ralph Z. Hallow

Capitulating to critics on the Republican National Committee, embattled Republican Party Chairman Michael S. Steele has signed a secret pact agreeing to controls and restraints on how he spends hundreds of millions of dollars in party funds and contracts, The Washington Times has learned.

The "good governance" agreement revives checks and balances Mr. Steele resisted implementing for RNC contracts, fees for legal work and other expenditures that were not renewed after the 2008 presidential nominating contest.

Read the rest of this entry >>

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The RNC's Crazy Man in the Attic

We strongly recommend that members of the Republican National Committee see the 1994 film, The Madness of King George. As we've noted here, here, and here, they have a lunatic on their hands in the person of the current chairman. If they are unwilling to correct the huge mistake they made in January, they might at least get pointers on coping from the Court of George III. It appears they are beginning to work around the crazy man in the attic:

Steele Fights Back Against RNC 'Scheme'

From The Washington Times

By Ralph Z. Hallow

The embattled Republican National Committee chairman angrily returned fire in his fight with current and former officers over control of the GOP's purse strings.

Under attack from conservatives since taking office on Jan. 30, Michael S. Steele on Wednesday blasted a group of members pushing for new checks and balances on the chairman's spending powers, accusing them of a power grab "scheme."

"I have just returned from an overseas trip to learn that the five of you have developed a scheme to transfer the RNC chairman's authority to the treasurer and the executive committee," Mr. Steele wrote in an e-mail he sent to Randy Pullen, the RNC's elected treasurer, and Blake Hall, the committee's general counsel, as well as to three former RNC officers.

In the e-mail, obtained by The Washington Times, Mr. Steele argues that he always has embraced the "transparency, competitive bidding and good governance" that Mr. Pullen and the others said their resolution aims to achieve.

Mr. Pullen and four other veteran members have proposed a resolution that imposes new controls on Mr. Steele's power to award contracts and spend money on outside legal and other services. The group needs signatures from RNC members from 16 states to force the resolution to the floor for a vote by the full party committee at the May 20 special meeting.

"It is of course not lost on me that each of you worked tirelessly down to the last minute in an effort to stop me from becoming chairman," Mr. Steele wrote.

Mr. Pullen, himself a candidate for treasurer, backed no one for national chairman. The party's former general counsel David Norcross, a longtime friend and mentor to Mr. Steele, supported the South Carolina GOP chairman. Since then, Mr. Norcross said Mr. Steele has not responded to telephone calls and e-mails from him.

RNC members reached by The Times said they did not know Mr. Steele had been "overseas." Steele spokesman Trevor Francis said "no comment" when The Times asked on Wednesday where exactly Mr. Steele had been.

In the e-mail, Mr. Steele said the resolution "amounts to nothing short of a completely unprecedented usurpation of the authority of the RNC chairman, and a transfer of the chairman's authority to the executive committee and the treasurer. No RNC chairman has ever had to deal with this, and I certainly have no intention of putting up with it either."

But Mr. Norcross, one of the measure's sponsors, said in an e-mail to some members that the opposite is true. He argues that the financial checks and balances proposed in the resolution were always in play at the RNC and somehow got lost in the 2008 post-presidential nominating convention shuffle.

"Randy's resolution or something very similar has been in place for years," Mr. Norcross wrote. "It has been adopted as part of the 'boilerplate' at the organization meetings immediately after the convention every four years. Inexplicably it was not adopted in Minneapolis."

Mr. Norcross then pointedly noted that the RNC's "elected treasurer is subject to criminal and civil penalties for false reporting to the Federal Election Commission. I don't think we should expect anyone to undertake that kind of exposure without this resolution or something very much like it."

Mr. Pullen said he gave Mr. Steele the measure Thursday and was told he would get a response by Sunday. When the response didn't arrive, Mr. Pullen informed the committee's other 167 members of the effort, igniting a battle with members supportive of Mr. Steele.

Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus knocked the group for trying to "embarrass and neuter the chairman."

The funding fight continues the open challenge to Mr. Steele's authority. Unhappy RNC conservatives secured the signatures needed to force the committee to convene next month's special meeting to vote on a resolution labeling Democrats as "socialists," despite the chairman's reservations about the political wisdom of the move.

Critics said the "socialist" resolution battle was a sign of Mr. Steele's rocky start as RNC chairman and his continuing struggle to assert control of the party's message since his election in January.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Republican Party Needs A Sane National Chairman

It is painfully obvious that the Republican National Committee has at its helm someone who is mentally unbalanced and needs to be replaced at the earliest opportunity.

One can forgive a few early missteps, but Michael Steele has become the most bizarre and unstable Republican personality since Martha Mitchell. When he made outrageous and damaging remarks about Rush Limbaugh, we attributed the comments to a misguided need to be liked by the media, in whose spotlight he found himself. He promptly apologized and, one hoped, some lessons were learned. Now he has reversed his apology and attributes his behavior to a calculated chess move intended to sort out friends and enemies.

Many had been led to believe that he was committed to the pro-life cause; but that position, on the central moral issue of our day, seems to have been discarded. Perhaps it was yet another Machiavellian manipulation in the truly weird and twisted mind of the psychopath now running the Republican Party.

Yesterday, Steele told a Republican audience in Maryland that they need to emulate him and be “unconventional, unpredictable…to do from time to time the unexpected." What is expected of the Republican National Chairman is that he be a party builder, raise funds, recruit quality candidates, improve the state and national party machinery, and most urgently, fix state rules governing the party nominating process. Instead, Mr. Steele has been broaching the possibility of his own candidacy for President, dividing the party, alienating the base, and creating the impression that the Republican Party is even more disoriented and disorganized than it already is.

We believe Michael Steele is, as he says, "unpredictable." It is the unpredictability of someone who is completely unhinged. Before any further damage is done, the Party needs to put an end to this pscho-drama and find a sane and able professional for the urgent task of rebuilding the Republican Party.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Register Your View On Michael Steele

We are pleased to see today that the American Family Association is polling its members on whether Michael Steele should resign as Chairman of the Republican National Committee for the following (and other) offensive comments:
In a recent interview, Republican National Chairman Michael Steele told GQ magazine that he supports abortion rights. "I think that's an individual choice (to have an abortion)," he said.

Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?
Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice.

You do?
Yeah. Absolutely.

Steele later issued a statement "clarifying” his comments regarding abortion saying he is “pro-life.”

Steele also disputed the view that being homosexual is a lifestyle choice. "I don't think I've ever really subscribed to that view that you can turn it on and off like a water tap. ...You just can't simply say, oh, like, 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being gay.' It's like saying 'Tomorrow morning I'm gonna stop being black,'" explained Steele.

Steele said an amendment to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman is a state issue and is “mucking around with the Constitution.”

In light of Chairman Steele’s remarks, should he resign as Chairman of the Republican National Committee?
In our view, affirmative action should be left to the Democrats. We are pleased that as of this writing 14,546 respondents to the AFA poll say Steele should go. Only 1,095 believe he should continue.

Republicans wishing to express their views should go here.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Yesterday The Washington Times reported that members of the Republican National Committee will consider a resolution in January that is critical of President Bush and Republican Members of Congress for supporting the $700 billion bailout of the financial sector and other socialist policies.

Sunlit Uplands has obtained the full text of the resolution which has been drafted by RNC Vice Chairman James Bopp, Jr. and is supported by 24 other Republican National Committee members.

We strongly support this effort to return the Republican Party to its moorings and the core principles of freedom, small government, low taxes, free enterprise and individual liberty. We have lost the White House and the Congress because the President and too many Republican members of Congress abandoned those principles. Having lost national leadership, it is now essential that the Republican National Committee take a major, unprecedented role in defending the U. S. Constitution and the principles to which the Republican Party has historically been committed. In the words of Ronald Reagan, let's raise "a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people."

The full text of Mr. Bopp’s resolution follows. Readers who wish to support this resolution and return the Republican Party to the conservative vision of Ronald Reagan are encouraged to show their support by signing an online petition here.


WHEREAS, America is embroiled in an economic crisis which threatens to become a severe and prolonged recession; and

WHEREAS, as an alleged remedy to the economic crisis, the United States Congress proposed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (“Bank Bailout Bill”), which would authorize the United States Secretary of the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion dollars to bail out the financial industry from the consequences of its own poor decisions and misguided government policies, by purchasing distressed assets, especially mortgage-backed securities, and make capital injections into banks; and

WHEREAS, when the original Bank Bailout Bill failed to pass, it was augmented with$150 billion dollars in additional, unnecessary spending designed to earn the incumbent politicians who voted for it the support of their constituents back home; and

WHEREAS, Congress adopted, and the President signed, the bloated Bank Bailout Bill; and

WHEREAS, the Bank Bailout Bill has neither reversed the economic crisis nor protected the taxpayers, but rather has added $850 billion dollars to their tax bill and raised the national debt ceiling from $10 trillion to $11.3 trillion, which has the potential long-term effect of further weakening the economy; and

WHEREAS, the Bank Bailout Bill effectively nationalized the Nation’s banking system, giving the United States non-voting warrants from participating financial institutions, and moving our free market based economy another dangerous step closer toward socialism; and

WHEREAS, what was needed, and is still needed, to fix the banking industry is not a bailout, but rather a commitment to fiscal responsibility. This entails more than considering only the quick fixes for Wall Street. It also entails considering how to restore Wall Street to sustainable profitability. It involves common sense legislation from Congress, such as (1) eliminating the capital gains tax, which will lead investors to flood the real estate and financial markets in search of tax-free profits, creating liquidity in the markets; (2) examining, and if need be, amending the Community Reinvestment Act (Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.), to ensure that it accomplishes its purpose of preventing discriminatory lending without also forcing the financial industry to engage in high risk lending; and (3) adopting a “hands off” approach from government toward the financial sector, so that free-market forces can correct the market; and

WHEREAS, there have been other federal government bailouts, including the $85 billion dollar bailout of American International Group Inc. in return for its nationalization, with the United States acquiring an almost eighty percent equity stake in the company, a bailout and nationalization of Fannie Mac and Freddie Mac, and a bailout of Bear Sterns; and

WHEREAS, the cost to the American taxpayers of the various bailouts enacted by the 110th Congress and signed into law by the President is potentially $8.7 trillion dollars; and

WHEREAS, none of these bailouts have forestalled the economic recession, protected the jobs of American workers, made American companies more competitive, or relieved the tax burden on American taxpayers, but rather have threatened to deepen the economic recession, and have increased the national debt and the burden faced by the American taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, the “Big Three” Automakers (Chrysler, General Motors, and Ford) appealed to Congress for a bailout bill of their own, seeking up to $34 billion dollars in emergency aid; and

WHEREAS, the American people overwhelmingly oppose a bailout of the Big Three, with 61% of those polled opposing government assistance to the automakers and 70% saying that such assistance would be unfair to American taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, when faced with both Congressional and public disapproval, Ford announced that it
did not need actually need federal money at this time, but Chrysler and General Motors continued to request financial assistance from the government; and

WHEREAS, on December 11, 2008, the House of Representatives passed the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act (H.R. 7321) (“Auto Bailout Bill”), which authorized $14 billion dollars in loans to the automobile industry in exchange for, among other things, the nationalization of the auto industry, whereby the United States receives warrants for up to 20% of the common or preferred stock of each automaker, and the appointment by the President of an executive officer (“Car Czar”) to oversee various aspects of the auto industry’s business; and

WHEREAS, the Auto Bailout Bill was rejected in the United States Senate, garnering only 52 of the 60 votes necessary to bring the Bill to the Floor for consideration; and

WHEREAS, on December 19, 2008, the President announced that he would create a $17.4 billion dollar Auto Bailout Package for the auto industry, taking the money from the funds appropriated by the Bank Bailout Bill; and

WHEREAS, the President has announced that Chrysler and GM must prove they are financially viable by March 31, 2009, or face the possibility—but only the possibility—of the recall of the funds extended to bail them out; and

WHEREAS, President-elect Obama is under no obligation to insist that Chrysler and GM meet this obligation, or pay back the money used to bail them out and the UAW is already calling on President-elect Obama to reject the wage reduction requirements of the Auto Bailout Package; and

WHEREAS, the Auto Bailout Package is not only a bailout of the bad management decisions of the leadership of the automobile industry, but also a bailout of the leadership of the United Auto Workers union (UAW), whose excessive labor wage and benefit demands have substantially contributed to the automobile industry’s financial woes, as demonstrated by the fact that the average hourly cost to the unionized Big Three Automakers for its workers’ salary and benefits is nearly $80 per hour, compared with Toyota, Honda, and Nissan, whose total hourly U.S. labor costs, with benefits, are about $48 per hour; and

WHEREAS, the UAW has steadfastly refused to renegotiate its current labor contracts to ease the financial burden on the Big Three, and has also self-servingly insisted that bankruptcy was not an option for any of the Big Three, because bankruptcy would allow a renegotiation of their labor contracts; and

WHEREAS, bailing out the UAW with the Auto Bailout Package will not make the automobile industry solvent, because it does not address the underlying cause of its financial difficulties, but merely applies a band aid to tide the industry over for the time being; and

WHEREAS, the open-ended nature of the Auto Bailout Package, which only contains the possibility of a recall of the bailout money if Chrysler and GM do not have a plan for financial viability by March 31, 2009, will not provide incentive to their leadership and the leadership of the UAW to create a financially viable business plan, but rather will encourage them to continue ‘business as usual’ and count on future government bailouts whenever such are needed; and

WHEREAS, the men and women who work in the automobile industry are patriotic Americans who work hard to supply America with automobiles and also to provide a decent living for themselves and their families; and

WHEREAS, America’s auto workers are not helped by a temporary band aid which does not require the automobile industry and the UAW to change practices and create a sustainable profitability. Rather, they need a solution that will enable the American automobile industry to recover and thrive again in order to ensure the long-term survival of their jobs; and

WHEREAS, what is needed to fix the American automobile industry is restructuring that will eliminate the competitive disadvantage faced in their costs and finished products relative to foreign brands, which can only be accomplished by (1) negotiating new labor agreements to align their pay and benefits to match those of their competitors; (2) reducing the benefits paid to their retirees so that the total burden per auto for the Big Three is not higher than that of foreign companies; (3) restructuring their business plans with an eye to the future, such that they invest in competitive products and innovative, fuel-saving technologies; and (4) recruiting management teams who excel in marketing, innovation, creativity and labor relations; and

WHEREAS, a group of governors met with President-elect Obama to press for their own bailout plan, whereby federal taxpayer would pay $136 billion for state infrastructure projects and untold billions of dollars for state health care costs; and

WHEREAS, President-elect Barack Obama decided to propose an enormous public works project, which is really a cleverly disguised Government Bailout Plan designed to bail out state and local governments by providing federal tax dollars to repair and rebuild their local infrastructure; and

WHEREAS, some have proposed spending up to $1 trillion dollars to fund the President-elect’s Government Bailout Plan; and,

WHEREAS, the Government Bailout Plan will be the biggest earmarked spending program in our Nation’s history;

WHEREAS, the Government Bailout Plan will not fix our economic woes, but rather will extend the current economic crisis, much as President Franklin Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration extended the Great Depression, and will cost the American taxpayers $1 trillion dollars or more; and

WHEREAS, what is needed to ease unemployment and stimulate the economy is not a Government Bailout Plan to bail out state and local governments from their deficit spending, but rather common sense solutions which will work, including (1) lowering our corporate tax rate which is the second highest in the world and fifty percent higher than our international competitors, so that corporations will have more ability to invest in product development and job creation; (2) lowering taxes on the middle class and eliminating the capital gains tax, so that America’s families will have more money to invest and spend for their families’ needs; (3) spending to replenish and, where necessary, modernize our military equipment and improve our national defense capabilities against both foreign nations and terrorists; (3) investing in energy research, exploration and development to free our Nation from its dependence on foreign oil; and (4) eliminating wasteful government spending and restructuring government programs that can be accomplished more efficiently. Together, these measures will create jobs, energize the economy and protect our national freedoms, all of which will improve the quality of life of the American family; and

WHEREAS, the Republican Party must, for the good of America, reestablish our commitment to the common sense, conservative values of free enterprise, free markets, limited government, and personal responsibility, which are advocated by the Republican National Committee in its national platform; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Members of the Republican National Committee commend the Members of Congress who have opposed the bills seeking to bailout American industries and to nationalize American companies; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Members of the Republican National Committee call for all Members of Congress to oppose any and all future bailouts that might come before the Congress, including President-elect Obama’s public works program; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Members of the Republican National Committee call on Congress to identify the government programs and policies which have lead to the current economic crisis and to revise or repeal them in favor of government policies which promote free enterprise and free markets;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Republican National Committee, in cooperation with Republican Members of Congress and the Republican Governors of the various states, shall be authorized to engage in vigorous debate on public policy issues, including calling for Congress to oppose measures which are detrimental to the welfare of our Nation and our People, consistent with the conservative principles of the Republican Party as expressed in its national platform, and to devote appropriate resources of the RNC for this purpose.

Submitted by

James Bopp, Jr., NCM IN
Randy Pullen SC AZ
Lilly Nunez NCW CO
Dick Wadhams SC CO
Sharon Day NCW FL
Steve Scheffler NCM IA
Kim Lehman NCW IA
Cindy Moyle NCW ID
Dee Dee Benkie NCW IN
Helen Van Etten NCW KS
Kris Kobach SC KS
Evie Axdahl NCW MN
Cindy Phillips NCW MS
Pete Ricketts NCM NE
Sean Mahoney NCM NH
Rosie Tripp NCM NM
Carolyn L. McLarty NCW OK
Solomon Yue NCM OR
Donna Cain NCW OR
Giovanni Cicione SC RI
Cynthia Costa NCM SC
Mary Jean Jensen NCW SD
Cathie Adams NCW TX
Fredi Simpson NCW WA
Diana Vaughan SC WY