Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Anglican Church Will Form In US

From OneNewsNow

A federation of Anglican Christians will soon form a new Anglican church in North America.

That announcement comes from The Common Cause Partnership, a coalition of conservative Anglican churches upset with the liberal leanings and policies of the Episcopal Church in the United States.

Early next month, Common Cause will release a draft constitution for a new Anglican church in North America. Robert Lundy with Common Cause says the decision has been at least 30 years in the making.

"We, as The Common Cause Partnership sort of disaffected Episcopalians, Anglicans, feel it is the one step that we have to make -- and we will reach out to other Christians who are in the Episcopal Church and help them, and we hope that they reach out to us and work together for mission," Lundy shares. "But for The Common Cause Partnership and the 100,000 people who we represent, this is a step we feel that the Lord is leading us to take."

In June, the Global Anglican Future Conference, or GAFCON, met in Israel and drafted the Jerusalem Declaration, which outlined their Christian beliefs and goals to reform, heal, and revitalize the Anglican Communion worldwide.

The Sidwell Choice

The Obama family leads by example

From The Wall Street Journal

Michelle and Barack Obama have settled on a Washington, D.C., school for their daughters, and you will not be surprised to learn it is not a public institution. Malia, age 10, and seven-year-old Sasha will attend the Sidwell Friends School, the private academy that educates the children of much of Washington's elite.

[Review & Outlook] AP

Vice President-elect Joe Biden's grandchildren attend Sidwell -- as did Chelsea Clinton -- where tuition is close to $30,000 a year. The Obama girls have been students at the private University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, where tuition runs above $21,000. "A number of great schools were considered," said Katie McCormick Lelyveld, a spokeswoman for Mrs. Obama. "In the end, the Obamas selected the school that was the best fit for what their daughters need right now."

Note the word "selected," as in made a choice. The Obamas are fortunate to have the means to send their daughters to private school, and no one begrudges them that choice given that Washington's public schools are among the worst in America.

Most D.C. parents would also love to be able to choose a better school for their child, but they lack the financial means to do so. The Washington Opportunity Scholarship Program each year offers up to $7,500 to some 1,900 kids to attend private schools, but Democrats in Congress want to kill it. Average family income for kids in the voucher program is about $22,000.

Mr. Obama says he opposes such vouchers, because "although it might benefit some kids at the top, what you're going to do is leave a lot of kids at the bottom." The example of his own children refutes that: The current system offers plenty of choice to kids "at the top" while abandoning those at the bottom.

Gallup Poll Finds Americans Want Republican Party to Stay Conservative

By Steven Ertelt

A new national Gallup poll finds Americans want the Republican Party to stay conservative -- which appears they want the GOP to keep its pro-life stance on abortion. The party has been pro-life for decades and has a longstanding platform calling for a Constitutional amendment to protect human life.

The new poll, conducted from November 13-16 finds 59 percent of Republicans want the party to become even more conservative with 28 percent saying it should stay the same.

Just 12 percent of Republicans want the GOP to become less conservative.

Nationally, 57 percent of Americans want the party to become either more conservative (37%) or stay the same (20%) with 37 percent wanting it to become less conservative.

Looking at the crucial group of independent voters, some 57 percent of them want it to either become more conservative (35%) or stay the same (22%) while only 35 percent want it to become less conservative.

And it is no surprise that Democrats are the only group to want the party to shed it's historically conservative viewpoints, with 56 percent saying so. Still, 25 percent of Democrats want the GOP to become more conservative and 13 percent want it to stay the same.

That doesn't mean Americans view the party, which has nominated pro-life candidates in every presidential election since 1980, favorably.

The poll found just 34 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the party and a whopping 61 percent holding an unfavorable view.

"After suffering major blows in the election, the Republican Party is experiencing its worst image rating in a least a decade," the Gallup Poll reported.

Democrats, who have put forward pro-abortion presidential candidates in every election since 1980 and saw their most recent abortion advocate, Barack Obama, win narrowly earlier this month, are viewed more favorably.

Democrats have a favorability rating of 55 percent, about the same as last month.

Also, 91 percent of Democrats approved of their party and how it is operating compared with just 78 percent of Republicans.

The poll found the view Americans have of the Republican party tracks almost identically with the view they have of President Bush. With him out of the picture next year, the GOP can redefine itself and the Democratic Party will have to be content with hitching its fortunes to a President Obama.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Court to Decide Whether Campus Evangelism a Crime

From OneNewsNow
By Charlie Butts

The so-called "free-speech code" of Yuba Community College District is under federal court scrutiny.

taped mouthCalifornia student, Ryan Dozier, decided to spend some time on campus sharing his faith and handing out tracts to fellow students, generating conversations about Christianity. Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) attorney Heather Hacker comments on the situation.

"A campus police officer came over and told him that if he continued to do so without a permit that he would be possibly expelled or arrested, and so Ryan stopped immediately," she explains.

Hacker says Dozier thought the case was closed, but he was apparently mistaken. "Three weeks later he got a certified letter from the president of the college stating that his actions were the subject of a campus crime report," she adds. "Last time I checked, sharing your faith on a public college campus was not a crime."

But the letter informed him he could face expulsion if he shared his faith on campus again. ADF filed suit, and a federal judge has ordered the college to suspend enforcement of its highly restricted free speech policies until the lawsuit is resolved.

St. Paul's Cathedral Choir - "Let All the World in Every Corner Sing"

The Feast of Christ the King

Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!
The heavens are not too high, His praise may thither fly,
The earth is not too low, His praises there may grow.
Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!

Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!
The church with psalms must shout, no door can keep them out;
But, above all, the heart must bear the longest part.
Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

'Browbeating' Teacher Still Employed

From OneNewsNow
By Peter Chagnon

School officials in Fayetteville, North Carolina, have completed their investigation of a teacher following a classroom incident captured on film.

schoolwork bigThe Independent Women's Forum says the video shows an elementary school teacher browbeating a student for her support of John McCain in the school's mock presidential election. (See previous article)

"What do you all know about that war in Iraq? Talk to me because your daddy's in the military; talk. It's a senseless war," the teacher says on the video. "And by the way, Kathy, the person that you are picking for president said that our troops could stay in Iraq for another hundred years if they need to, so that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years."

Following outcry and media coverage of the incident, Cumberland County School Superintendent William Harrison launched an investigation. School officials refused to give OneNewsNow any details of the investigation results, citing a law that protects teachers in cases like this. But officials did say that the teacher, Diantha Harris, is still employed as a teacher in the Cumberland County School district.

According to media reports, the school district has received hundreds of phone calls about the incident, and the teacher involved has also received dozens of phone calls at home concerning the video. The Associated Press reported that Harris has said she regrets making the comments and that the student involved, along with her parents, has expressed support for the teacher.

Kenyan Ambassador: Obama's Birthplace in Kenya is "An Attraction...Already Well-Known"

All In The Family

From Free Republic

About twelve minutes into a Detroit radio station’s interview with Kenyan ambassador Peter Ogego, he is asked whether or not monuments will be erected in honor of Obama’s elevation to the United States presidency.

Ogego responds that a monument will be erected at Obama’s birthplace in Kenya, which is already a site of pilgrimage: “His birthplace is already an attraction…it’s already well known.”

Obama’s Kenyan grandmother has also asserted that he was born in Kenya, not the United States. The Constitution bars those born outside of US territory from becoming President.

There are also lawsuits pending — including one by Obama’s former Senate campaign opponent Alan Keyes — challenging Obama to provide proof of citizenship eligibility to take office. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has put this isssue on the docket for the Court to review on December 5th.