Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Debate Preview: Romney on the Issues?

Should we take this man at his word, or decide that he is the most audacious of political whores?

Political Philosophy:  "I think people recognize that I'm not a partisan Republican, that I'm someone who is moderate, and that my views are progressive."

Abortion:  "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose and am dedicated to honoring my word in this regard."

Reagan Conservative?:  "Look, I was an independent under Reagan-Bush. I'm not trying to return to Reagan-Bush."

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens:  "At the end of that period, registering to become a citizen...and paying a fee are things that are being considered and I think those are reasonable proposals"

Gays in the Boy Scouts:  "I feel that all people should be allowed to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation."

Health Care Mandates:  "Those who follow the path that we pursued will find that it's the best path. And we'll end up with a nation that's taken a mandate approach."

Contract with America:  "In my view, it is not a good idea to go into a contract like what was organized by the Republican Party in Washington." 

Climate Change: "I believe that the world is getting warmer. I believe humans contribute to that."

Gun Rights:  "I don't line up with the NRA."

In "Welcome" to New Catholic Archbishop, Episcopal Leader Calls Catholic Teaching on Marriage 'Oppression'

Thanks be to God for the faithless, left-wing Episcopalian hierarchy like California's Bishop Marc Andrus.  It is apostate ideologues like Andrus who are driving the creation of Anglican Ordinariates around the world and the reconciliation of thousands of Anglicans with the one, true and historic Church.

From Catholic World News 

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone
On the eve of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s installation in San Francisco, the Episcopal Church’s bishop of California has written a letter to his faithful attacking the stand of the Catholic Church on marriage and inviting disaffected Catholics to join the Episcopal Church. 

“Bishop Cordileone was an active supporter of Proposition 8, which I and the other Episcopal bishops throughout California opposed,” writes the Episcopal Church Bishop Marc Andrus. 

Episcopal Bishop Marc Andrus
“We make no peace with oppression,” he added. “The recognition of the dignity and rights, within civil society and the Church of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgendered people, and of women are as core to our proclamation of the Gospel as our solidarity with the poor, with victims of violence and political oppression, and with the Earth.” 

Archbishop Cordileone is chairman of the Subcommittee on the Promotion and Defense of Marriage of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 

“Some Catholics may find themselves less at home with Salvatore Cordileone’s installation and they may come to The Episcopal Church,” Bishop Andrus continued. “We should welcome them as our sisters and brothers. Even as we welcome those who may join us and look for ways to work with our Roman Catholic siblings in the faith, we will not be silenced in our proclamation of God’s inclusion.” 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama’s Phony Polls Exposed

From The Western Center for Journalism
By Dr. Kevin "Coach" Collins

Media fraudulent pollsters you’ve been busted. Your fake numbers have been exposed by two very unlikely and probably unwilling sources. Last Friday the Leftist cheerleaders at the Third Way “think tank” made what had to be a very sad announcement for them. They told the world their researchers had found Democrat registration has fallen by 490,000 in just Ohio alone and without going into finer numbers had also declined by significant numbers in other important states. Florida Democrat registration is down 4.9%, Iowa Democrats have lost 9.5% and remember that “this close” swing state of New Hampshire, the one that flipped its entire government just two years ago – Democrat registration is down 19.7%! More than this Third Way also found Republican registration was down only a 10th of the Democrat decline and that Independents (who favor Mitt Romney by 14 points) had grown in numbers.

The full story from Ohio must be chilling for Democrats because 44% of these Democrat registration drops come from the Cleveland (Cuyahoga County) area cutting deeply into their lead over local Republicans. Hamilton and Franklin counties, both huge Democrat strongholds have seen steep declines in the number of registered Democrats as well. The combined decline of all three counties accounts for about 79% of the now “missing” Ohio Democrats.

These “adjustments” to the voting rolls in Ohio comes as a result of a vigorous program to find and remove deceased registered voters and eliminate redundant voter rolls that have been counted twice over the years.

Clearing out hundreds of thousands of dead voters makes Democrat voter fraud more difficult.

The second blow to the false polls we constantly see is the just released Gallup report showing Republicans 16% (64/48) more enthusiastic about voting than Democrats are. Remember these numbers when you read the next fraudulent poll. Added to the sharp drop in Democrat registration they prove Barack Obama is on his way to a landslide defeat next month.

A Great New Website Dedicated to Venerable Fulton Sheen

A wonderful Canadian gentleman by the name of Al Smith, who calls himself a "Porter" in the "School of Sheen," has created an audio and video treasure trove of a website dedicated to Venerable Fulton Sheen. Mr. Smith, whose father came to the Faith through the influence of Archbishop Sheen and James Cardinal McGuigan of Toronto, sponsors Sheen radio broadcasts in two metropolitan centers - Toronto and Kitchener / Waterloo.  His website - Bishop Sheen Today - A Man for All Times - is "designed to help introduce Bishop Sheen to a new generation of listeners and viewers." 

The website includes a Sheen biography, scores of Sheen retreats and reflections, videos from his TV programs of the 1950's and 60's,  a listing of 66 books by the Archbishop, and many other booklets, pamphlets and "Catholic Hour" publications authored by that greatest of communicators.

How the Church needs bishops like the great Fulton Sheen -- and more dedicated laymen like Al Smith.  We have no doubt that once you explore Mr. Smith's website, truly a work of love, you will want to spend many hours in the "School of Sheen."

Prayer for Canonization
Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people.

If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
© Archbishop Sheen Foundation

Christian Growth in the Heart of Islam

Bishop Camillo Ballin, MCCJ
Media theorists like to talk about the power of a "narrative," meaning a storyline that's often more influential than reality in shaping perceptions. For instance, violent crime rates in the United States are at historic lows, yet popular psychology, shaped by Quentin Tarantino and "CSI," remains gripped by a narrative of pervasive danger.

Pope Benedict XVI recently returned from his fourth trip to the Middle East, where there's a strong Christian narrative these days: decline and possible extinction. Given the steep drop in the native Christian population, some fear the region will soon be a "spiritual Disneyland," full of holy sites but empty of flesh-and-blood believers.

There's certainly reality to that, yet the narrative of decline obscures an equally important truth. In some parts of the Middle East, Christianity is actually booming, and those folks deserve some attention, too.

Read the rest of this entry at The National Catholic Reporter >>

Grassfire Nation Petitions for Congressional Investigation of Obama's Libyan Cover-Up

It didn't take long for the American people to figure out that the deadly September 11 attack on our consulate in Libya was a blatant terrorist act. Yet despite mounting evidence - including reports that the U.S. State Department had prior knowledge of a coordinated attack by Muslim militants, and our Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has called it a terror act, our president still has not publicly acknowledged the truth that everyone else already knows.

By refusing to publicly acknowledge this deadly act as terrorism, is Obama engaged in some kind of cover-up? Is he attempting to mislead the American people in order to gain favor in the Muslim world? What is he trying to hide?

The American people have questions and are demanding answers!

Grassfire Nation has launched a national petition giving citizens a platform to demand Congress fully investigate what Obama and his administration knew prior to and shortly after the terrorist attacks in Libya. Why is the president unwilling to condemn these attacks as terrorism? Did the White House withhold information about the attacks as a means of covering up the truth about what really led to the murders of four Americans?

Grassfire is rapidly mobilizing 50,000 citizen petitions that will be hand-delivered to the U.S. State Department, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee and key members of Congress all demanding a full and thorough investigation.

Petition States:

As an American citizen I am demanding Congress thoroughly investigate the deadly terror attack on our Libyan consulate and fully answer the mounting questions surrounding the attacks including our President's refusal to publicly acknowledge what happened in Libya as a terrorist act by Muslim militants. Is there a cover-up? Is this administration withholding information as a means of covering up the truth about what really led to the murders of four Americans.

I cannot demand answers from the Obama administration, but you can, and I'm urging you to bring the truth to light.

Please go here to sign this important petition.