Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

McChrystal Out; Petraeus Picked for Afghanistan

President Barack Obama sacked his loose-lipped Afghanistan commander Wednesday, a seismic shift for the military order in wartime, and chose the familiar, admired — and tightly disciplined — Gen. David Petraeus to replace him. Petraeus, architect of the Iraq war turnaround, was once again to take hands-on leadership of a troubled war effort.

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McCain's Biggest Flip-Flop Ever

Now Says He Never Supported Amnesty

Incredibly, Sen. John McCain told The New York Times this week that "I never supported amnesty," prompting U.S. Senate Candidate J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) to challenge McCain's ability to tell the truth.

"This is utterly amazing," Hayworth said. "This man has spent the last seven years calling for and pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens and now two months before the election he just stands up and lies to the people."

In 2003, McCain said in a Tucson news conference: "I think we can set up a program where amnesty is extended to a certain number of people who are eligible . . . amnesty has to be an important part because there are people who have lived in this country for 20, 30, or 40 years . . ."

The next year, he said "It is in our national interest to bring the 8 to 12 million undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and allow them an opportunity to become citizens of this great nation."

McCain went on to co-sponsor with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would have cost taxpayers $2.6 trillion in retirement benefits for illegal aliens who were given amnesty.

"Now he says he 'never supported amnesty,'" Hayworth said. "The once declared 'Straight Talk Express' has turned into the 'Double Talk Express;' and the once respected Senator from Arizona has revealed himself as just another politician who will say whatever it takes to be reelected, including lying about his long-standing position on one of the most important issues to Arizonans."

House Democrats Propose $7 Billion Budget Cut

Buffeted by deficit pressures, House Democratic leaders are proposing a $7 billion cut in President Barack Obama's budget for the next fiscal year.

Democratic aides said Wednesday that the cuts will be implemented as Democrats pass a short-term budget plan cutting deeper than Obama's proposed freeze of the annual operating budgets of domestic agencies.

The cut amounts to less than 1 percent of the more than $1.1 trillion proposed for agency budgets funded by lawmakers each year through the spending bills. The next fiscal year begins Oct. 1.

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Obama Continues to Refuse Foreign Offers of Assistance

Senator George LeMieux states that 21 offers of assistance with the Gulf oil spill, from 17 countries, have been refused.

As contemptible as we believe Obama to be, we reject the common view that he is just grossly incompetent. Such outrageous mismanagement,
as we have said before, is a deliberate attempt to create crisis, bring pressure on the system, cause social instability, and then effect the Marxist change they believe in. They are doing it in refusing to defend the US border, they are doing it with unprecedented spending and debt, and they are doing it with an environmental disaster in the Gulf.

It is treasonous.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

South Carolina Runoff Results

Complete South Carolina Runoff Results are Here

National Catholic Group Issues 2010 Endorsements; Catholic Supporters of Obamacare Targeted

CFA Executive Director: "Should we succeed in ensuring that the majority of Catholic elected leaders actually vote like Catholics, then the whole country will benefit."

Today, on the feast day of the organization's patron saints, St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, Catholic Families for America PAC issued its endorsements in more than 30 U.S. House races and in 12 U.S. Senate races. The organization is one of the largest groups of lay Catholics in the nation, and the only group of conservative Catholics to do so.

"For all people of faith, not just Roman Catholics, we recognize that our republic is at a crossroads," said Dr. Kevin Roberts, executive director of the group. "We can continue the politics of self-promotion, high taxation, and the insidious undermining of the culture of life, or we can get back on the road to virtuous, limited government."

Roberts also commented that his organization is purposefully targeting Catholic members of Congress who voted for pro-abortion Obamacare. He said, "Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, who the Church honors today, provide poignant examples for modern-day Catholics in fighting apostasy and government corruption."

All of the endorsed candidates fit with CFA's key policy objectives, which include preservation of the sanctity of life, pro-family tax policies, traditional marriage, and education reform. Candidates need not be Catholic in order to secure the organization's endorsement. The list of candidates can be found at the group's website (

Catholic Families for America is building state and local chapters across the country, to better facilitate what it calls its Catholic-Get-Out-The-Vote (CGOTV) efforts. CFA has offices in Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C.

White House Summons US General to Explain Himself

A General and Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan who voted for Obama and shares inside gossip on the pages of Rolling Stone magazine -- it seems to us he and The One deserve each other.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washington to explain derogatory comments about President Barack Obama and his colleagues, administration officials said Tuesday.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who publicly apologized Tuesday for using "poor judgment" in an interview in Rolling Stone magazine, has been ordered to attend the monthly White House meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan in person Wednesday rather than over a secure video teleconference, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. He'll be expected to explain his comments to Obama and top Pentagon officials, these officials said.

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