Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jimmy Carter Worries Court Ruling May Affect His Interaction With Terror Groups

Former President Jimmy Carter has voiced concern that Monday’s Supreme Court ruling on “material support” to terrorist groups may criminalize his “work to promote peace and freedom.”

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Monday, June 21, 2010

President Reagan's News Conference of 1/29/81

The Reagan Foundation posted today a video of one of President Reagan's first news conferences, held just nine days after taking office. Aside from the nostalgia it evokes for the days when Presidents actually submitted themselves to vigorous questioning from the nation's media, it shows a President at the vortex of restoration and recovery after a bungling, incompetent, and damaging administration - a great model for our next President.

FedUp PAC Endorses Nikki Haley for Governor of South Carolina and Mike Lee for U.S. Senator in Utah in Tuesday's Run-off Republican Primaries

FedUp PAC announced it is endorsing Nikki Haley for governor in South Carolina and Mike Lee for U.S. senator in Utah in the June 22 run-off Republican primaries.

"In Nikki Haley and Mike Lee, we have two strong conservatives who the Republican establishment would prefer defeated," said Richard A. Viguerie, founder and Chairman of FedUp PAC.

"Americans understand that the path to losing our freedoms, economic strength, and military security was paved by establishment Republicans. We are now insisting on electing small-government constitutional conservatives who will shake things up," Viguerie said.

FedUp PAC is dedicated to the defense of the constitutional conservatism, the promotion of small, limited government, and the election of "boat-rocking" conservatives.

Retired Bishop: Biden's Kenya Constitution Support 'Invites Canonical Censure'

"Perhaps God, who knows whether or not Biden’s brain was permanently damaged by his brain surgery, will not judge him too harshly, but the Church, which does not have that kind of knowledge should certainly speak out and reprimand him."
Bishop Rene Gracida
From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi, has called for a canonical reprimand against U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. Biden, a Catholic, recently travelled to Kenya to lobby for the country's proposed constitution, which has been strenuously opposed by pro-life groups due to its pro-abortion language.

Biden told a crowd earlier this month that the Kenya government should adopt the new constitution in order "to allow money to flow" to Kenya from other countries.

When asked about the lobbying of U.S. pro-life groups against the document, Biden told religious leaders that the Obama administration did not share the position of such groups, and said that their activites are "one of the drawbacks of democracy."

Bishop Gracida wrote on his blog Saturday that Biden "has crossed the line as a Catholic" by supporting the document.

"Now he has taken a stand on Kenya’s proposed new constitution, a stand which is probably a violation of US law and a stand that is certainly immoral," wrote the retired bishop. "Perhaps God, who knows whether or not Biden’s brain was permanently damaged by his brain surgery, will not judge him too harshly, but the Church, which does not have that kind of knowledge should certainly speak out and reprimand him."

Then-senator Biden underwent two operations in 1988 to correct intracranial aneurysms.

Last month, three U.S. congressmen with legal oversight jurisdiction over foreign funds launched a probe to determine whether the Obama administration has violated federal law by using taxpayer money to promote the pro-abortion constitution.

Kyl: Obama Uses Border Insecurity to Push Immigration Plan

From Newsmax

The Obama administration is using the increasing insecurity of the Mexican border to push through its own agenda on immigration, according to Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl.

In a video clip posted on YouTube showing the senator speaking to a local Tea Party crowd on Friday, Kyl aid the president told him during a one-on-one meeting in the Oval Office that he was concerned he wouldn't win GOP support on immigration legislation if he took care of border security first.

"The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform," Kyl said, as the crowd in the room gasped loudly. "In other words, they're holding it hostage."

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Rahm Traded Favors with Blago: Report

hen we heard yesterday that Rahm (Dead Fish) Emanuel will be leaving his position of White House Chief-of-Staff,
we suspected that news probably had something to do with information flowing from the trial of fellow Chicago thug Rod Blagojevich. Indeed, before a 24 hour news cycle had past, "good reasons" had given way to "real reasons." The corruption of the man is about to be revealed, and we doubt very much that Emanuel will be the only White House thug exposed.

Revelations about the slime of Chicago politics and politicians will be flowing like the BP spill before this trial ends.

Truth is the daughter of time, and it will be good for America to learn once again that character matters and that it is best to know the backgrounds of those to whom we entrust the highest offices in the land.

While a congressman, Emanuel asked for trades with embattled gov.

Emanuel is viewed as something of a native son, his rise through  the ranks of American politics celebrated by Israelis who reveled in  details such as his childhood summers spent in Israel and his volu
Getty Images
From NBC Chicago
By John O'Conner

President Barack Obama's chief of staff, then a congressman in Illinois, apparently attempted to trade favors with embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich while he was in office, according to newly disclosed e-mails obtained by The Associated Press.

Emanuel agreed to sign a letter to the Chicago Tribune supporting Blagojevich in the face of a scathing editorial by the newspaper that ridiculed the governor for self-promotion. Within hours, Emanuel's own staff asked for a favor of its own: The release of a delayed $2 million grant to a school in his district.

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President Uses Father's Day to Promote Radical Homosexual Agenda says American Family Association President Tim Wildmon

The American Family Association today criticized President Barack Obama for celebrating households headed by "two fathers" in his Father's Day proclamation.

In his June 18 proclamation, the president said, "Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by...two fathers."

"This is the first time in our nation's history that a president has used Father's Day as an excuse to promote the radical homosexual agenda and completely redefine the word 'family,'" said AFA president Tim Wildmon. "Virtually all Americans have the common sense to recognize that children need both a mother and a father. Rudimentary biology tells us it's impossible for a child to have two fathers. But here we have the leader of our nation and the Democrat Party celebrating sexual behavior which is contrary to nature and pushing a household structure that we know is harmful to children. This is a sad day for the American family.

Added Wildmon, "This again shows how out-of-step the president is with most Americans. Same-sex parenting is not in any way the moral or functional equivalent of the parenting done by a mom and a dad. Yet our President is so committed to normalizing homosexual conduct that he is putting the twisted sexual desires of adults ahead of the needs of children. "And with his push to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' he's putting the twisted sexual desires of adults ahead of our national security."