Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Monday, July 11, 2011

An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC

3-d_bookMWSA Gold Medal

2010 Gold Medal Winner, Military Writers Society of America


This first cradle-to-grave biography of Colonel John W. Ripley
provides readers with the complete story about a great man who is considered by Marines, such as General Carl Mundy, former Commandant of the Marine Corps, to be on the same level as legends Chesty Puller and Dan Daly.

Colonel Ripley is most commonly known for his heroics in Vietnam during the Easter Offensive of 1972, where Colonel Gerald Turley ordered him to “hold and die,” in the face of over 30,000 North Vietnamese and 200 enemy tanks. John Ripley proceeded to blow the Dong Ha bridge, preventing the enemy from crossing. He unhesitatingly obeyed and earned the nation’s second highest honor, the Navy Cross.

As stunning as the Dong Ha story is, there was much more to Colonel John Ripley. An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC narrates his early life and the influences which shaped his personality.

Comrade Obama and China's Infrastructure

Despite reports of severe power shortages, Obama insists that his comrades in China have eclipsed the United States with a far superior infrastructure.  So we regret that Obama is not in the Chinese promised land to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Communist Party.  In fact we wish he were on the two-day-old motorway that just collapsed, or the collapsing bridges, or the trains that don't run.  Sounds like just his kind of place.

Part of the collapsed motorway in China
A Chinese motorway has collapsed just two days after it opened, causing the deaths of two people, after builders were ordered to rush the project so it could be unveiled for the 90th birthday of the Communist party.
By Malcolm Moore
The 57-mile-long Xinsan motorway, through the mountains of Yunnan, was supposed to be a perfect example of how the Communist party has rolled out pristine infrastructure to even the most remote areas of China, creating economic prosperity.

Despite warnings from the construction team in charge of the project, it was included in the list of "glory projects" to be unveiled for the party's 90th anniversary on July 1.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Vision of Sir Winston Churchill - Then and Now

When we read the following speech by Rabbi Nachum Shifren, we knew it was a speech we had to share with Sunlit Uplands readers.  Rabbi Shifren evokes the memory and words of our blog's patron, Sir Winston Churchill, in rallying people of good will to the defense of Western civilization.  As Rabbi Shifren points out, the struggle in which the West finds itself today is no less serious, and in many ways a continuation of that great struggle led by Churchill -- away from the "abyss of a new dark age" and "forward into broad, sunlit uplands.''

Rabbi Shifren's speech is addressed to the thousands of supporters of the English Defense League in Luton, England.

By Rabbi Nachum Shifren

For millions of Americans such as myself, there remains a special grandeur in the British people, long after the "Great War" has ended, long after the average schoolboy or girl has stopped recalling that there was once a real threat to the entire island.

What we remember most from those long-forgotten trials of fire, is the tremendous spirit of defiance, an unyielding attitude of tenacity in the face of an overwhelming evil. There are no fitting words to use in recounting the admiration that has been shown for that great statesman and hero to all that understand and cherish what we have in our Western civilization, the great Sir Winston Churchill.

The Vienna Boys' Choir - 'Ave Verum Corpus' - W. A. Mozart

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Obama Stimulus Funded Guns for Mexican Drug Cartels

Spending bill gave $10 Million of taxpayers' dollars  to Mexican drug lords

When Rush Limbaugh said that he hoped our President would fail, we agreed wholeheartedly. Like Limbaugh, we continue to hope and pray for his failure because we believe his intentions are malevolent.  We believe it is Obama's purpose to divide, weaken and cause chaos and ruin in America and the world so that he might have a better chance of imposing his radical, Marxist agenda.  Could there be any clearer proof of this than the fact that $10 million in so called "stimulus" money was given to Mexican drug cartels for the purchase of guns that murdered an estimated 150 people?

Following U. S. Representative Allen West's call for the removal of Eric Holder for the gun-running to some of the world's wealthiest criminals, Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt has likened the matter to the Watergate scandal and said the crisis may "save the country from some of the damage that the Obama regime might have inflicted upon us."

Following is an interview with Larry Pratt on the Alex Jones Show.

The United States is in the grip of pure evil.  It is long past time for thorough Congressional investigations, prosecution, and a purging of a Marxist regime that now has the blood of murdered innocents on its hands.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Archbishop Timothy Dolan: 'Some Afterthoughts'

Almost two weeks ago — hauntingly, on the Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist, whom King Herod would behead because the saint dared to defend the God-given truth about marriage — our state sadly attempted a re-definition of marriage. Is there anything left to say?


For one, thanks to those courageous millions who valiantly fought this unfortunate project of social engineering. You can hold your heads high. Sanely, civilly, thoughtfully, vigorously . . . you did not cave-in. The forces on the other side were a Goliath indeed — with tons of money, “glitterati” from entertainment circles, political powerbrokers, and the media — but you proved a worthy David.

The State of American Education