Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Communist Party USA Endorses Obama and Democrats in 2012

In an article in People's World, Sam Webb, national leader of the Communist Party USA has endorsed Comrade Obama and the Democrat Party, calling the 2012 election "of consequence to class and democratic struggles."

We extend our congratulations to the troika of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their collaborators; we know how hard they have worked for this endorsement -- in imposing socialized medicine against the will of the proletariat, in their tireless efforts to bankrupt and destroy America's capitalist system, in their confiscation and redistribution of the wealth, in moving the masses to greater and greater dependency on the state.  Indeed, this  endorsement is earned and deserved.

Does It Matter Which Party Wins?

By Sam Webb, Chairperson, Communist Party USA

It is obvious that there is a growing feeling of frustration and even anger among supporters of the Democratic Party with its performance over the past two years.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, speaking for the labor movement, strongly expressed this unhappiness in some recent speeches.

I am disappointed too with some aspects of the Obama administration's domestic and foreign policy.

But I don't forget that this administration governs in a very hostile political environment in which the right is laboring overtime to wreck its initiatives at every step of the way.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Time, a Far Better President, Timeless Truths

This is the first sound recording of a President.  More importantly and as one YouTube commentator points out, "Calvin Coolidge produced a budget surplus every single year of his presidency and cut the national debt by 1/3. He is the last president to balance the budget every year. He also drastically reduced tax rates (four times) and revenue increased."  During the Coolidge years the purchasing power of wages increased 10%, consumer prices fell and unemployment was 3.5 %. But in Coolidge we had a President who actually wanted America to prosper.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Face that only a KGB Thug Could Love

Russia Issues Stamp to Honor Comrade Obama's 50th Birthday

Russia’s Post Office has issued a collection of stamps and envelopes to mark the 50th jubilee of the US President Barack Obama.

The US leader is celebrating his birthday on the 4th of August.

In one of his recent interviews Mr. Obama said that fifty years ago nobody could imagine Russia and the US as partners. He added that confrontation ended together with the Cold War.

He said that the Internet and mass media have made people from all over the globe closer to each other. “It is important to contribute to mutual understating between Russia and the US, one of the world`s leading countries”, Mr. Obama said.
Russia`s Post Office also presented the US leader with a postmark featuring his portrait. Mr. Obama liked the gift, stamped several envelopes and then signed one of them with dedication to the museum of the Russian Post Office.  

Bachmann Pulling Even with Romney and Perry, Has Strong Lead Among Evangelicals and Catholics

There is good news for Michelle Bachmann in a Rasmussen Poll released today.  It shows her holding her own with Governors Romney and Perry.  She has a substantial lead among Evangelicals, Catholics, Tea Party members and conservatives.  

We have no doubt that Bachmann's numbers will only improve when Republicans become more familiar with the big government, big spending, liberal records and globalist views  of Romney and Bilderberger Rick Perry.

Rasmussen reports that Sixty-eight percent (68%) share a favorable opinion of Bachmann, with 36% "very favorable." She’s viewed unfavorably by 22%, including nine percent (9%) who hold a very unfavorable opinion.  Governor Perry's unfavorable number is more than twice that of Congresswoman Bachmann.

Monday, August 1, 2011

We The Stupid

By Ann Barnhardt

I stand here in abject stupefaction.  The so-called "right" or "Tea Party" in this republic is being so thoroughly rolled and defeated that I am struggling to come up with an adequate violent submission metaphor that does not involve prison rape . . . and they honesty think that they're "winning."  Really?  You call this winning?
  • - Obama gets over $2 Trillion to spend before the 2012 election
  • - There are no real spending cuts
  • - There is a massive tax increase effective January 1, 2013
Obama is going to be handed something in excess of $2 Trillion -- and he has made it perfectly clear that he will spend every penny of it before the November 2012 election.  That's why he kept saying, " . . . so we don't have to do this again", meaning raise the debt ceiling again.  The debt ceiling would only need to be raised if all of the money had been spent.  Therefore, he has stated very clearly that he will spend every penny of any debt ceiling increase.  He is going to burn through $2 Trillion-plus in the next sixteen months.  This was the Obama regime's plan from day one.  Geithner appeared before Congress in early May and told them this in no uncertain terms.  This outcome has been a known quantity all along.

Dick Morris Predicts Landslide Obama Loss

Neville Chamberlain is Still Wrong

The lack of support from the American Christian community for the family and business of Marcus and Michele Bachmann as they’re targeted by the homosexual movement would make Neville Chamberlain proud.

Like the disgraced former British Prime Minister, who became a historic symbol of cowardice and complacency in exchange for peace at any cost, too many American Christians refuse to actually see the grim reality of the culture they live in lest that would mean they’d actually have to do something about it.

In case you missed it, Marcus Bachmann (husband of the GOP presidential candidate) dares to actually believe the Bible is true in his vocation, and not the pagan politically correct dogma of the day. Therefore, he helps those desiring to leave behind the depravity, emptiness, and self-destructiveness of homosexuality to embrace their new identity in Christ and find the peace that passes all understanding that comes only from an intimate relationship with Him.

For those of you that went to public school and received your duly-appointed taxpayer-subsidized indoctrination, this may sound like blasphemy until you actually meet one of the several thousand former homosexuals walking the streets in America today. Several of whom I have interviewed over the years. However, I have yet to interview a former African-American or a former Hispanic.