Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Huckabee Finds Himself Aboard the Titanic and Wants OFF!

For months now, conservative talk radio stations throughout South Carolina have been airing a message from Governor Mike Huckabee telling us how grateful we should be for the "conservative" leadership of Senator Lindsey Graham.  The ads, paid for by a pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants front-group with the misleading name of South Carolina Conservative Action Alliance, have also touted Graham's inclination to intervene in every war raging on the planet.

Such ads obviously sounded, in the months before a GOP Primary for the Senate nomination, like an endorsement.  But apparently Governor Huckabee, with political ambitions of his own, hasn't been to South Carolina in awhile, or has just been informed that he booked passage on a sinking ship.

On Thursday evening he posted the following message on his website:
To be clear, I haven’t endorsed Lindsey Graham for Senate.

Obviously, Senator Graham’s people are using the ‘Thank you’ ad and treating it like an endorsement, but neither the PAC nor I personally have endorsed in the South Carolina Senate race. Please help me by sharing this statement with your friends across South Carolina so voters understand where I stand.
Clearly, anyone who has been in politics as long as you have, Governor, should have known that such radio ads would be used and received as a political endorsement, particularly in the months preceding a hotly contested primary.   No need for panic, however, there is a lifeboat -- may we suggest that you endorse the real conservative in the race - our next U.S. Senator, Bill Connor.

Forty Percent of American Families Now Without Two Parents

Biblical Teachings on Marriage and Family.

The following is a homily written by Monsignor Charles Pope for the Feast of the Holy Family on December 29, 2013.
It is not difficult to demonstrate that most of our modern problems center around struggles and misunderstandings regarding marriage, sexuality, and the family. Collectively as a nation and the culture, we have departed significantly from the teachings of God and common sense, when it comes to our thinking and behavior regarding these three fundamental pillars.

Today’s Feast of the Holy Family presents us an opportunity to reflect, and provides a rich tapestry of Scriptures. Many of these teachings are not “politically correct,” but for that, no apology should be made. They remain God’s teachings and it is hard to argue that modern notions of sexuality, marriage and family have produced anything short of catastrophe and disaster. And as is usually the case, it is the children suffer the most.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kim Jong-un [HEARTS] Obamacare!

Justice Sotomayor Blocks Contraception Mandate on Insurance in Suit by Nuns

Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Justice Sonia Sotomayor has temporarily blocked the Obama administration from forcing the Little Sisters of the Poor, and other Roman Catholic nonprofit groups, to provide health insurance coverage for birth control.  They and other Catholic organizations use a health-plan known as the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust. 

The Obama regime mandate was to go into effect on New Year's Day  The administration now has until Friday to respond to the Supreme Court.

We'd like to think that some stirring of right reason, a Catholic conscience formed by family or the Sisters of Charity at Spellman High School, may have played a role in Madam Justice Sotomayor's deliberations.  It is encouraging to see one of Obama's own appointees standing up for the "one eternal and unchangeable law."  We hope, too, that this intervention will encourage massive civil disobedience to the regime's unprecedented assault on freedom of conscience.

The groups’ lawsuit is one of many challenging the federal requirement for contraceptive coverage, but a decision on the merits of the case by the full Supreme Court could have broader implications.  We hope that the Court will ultimately uphold the rights of conscience and religious liberty for all Americans and not merely those Church-affiliated groups bringing these lawsuits.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Day Concert 2014


This world famous New Year's Day concert by the Vienna Philharmonic is dedicated to the music of the Strauss family composers, and particularly that of Johann Strauss II; the first of these iconic concerts was given on December 31, 1939 by Clemens Krauss.  This year the orchestra is led by Daniel Barenboim.

London's Spectacular New Year's Eve Fireworks Display

The world's most spectacular New Year's Eve fireworks display, perfectly choreographed to the chimes of Big Ben and music.