Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Documentary Exposes Abortion as The Evolution of Racism and Black Genocide

From LifeSiteNews
By Theresa Casta

The new documentary film Maafa 21 provides a convincing argument that "...legalized abortion is more than just a crime against humanity, it is also the continuation of a 150 year old racial agenda, that was founded in black genocide." The film offers an in-depth look at the plight of African Americans after the end of slavery, and demonstrates some of the shocking similarities between Hitler's Germany and 20th century America.

After viewing the powerful film, Congressman Trent Franks remarked: "We never quite seem to be so eloquent when we decry all the crimes of a past generation, and we are never so staggering blind, as when a genocide occurs in our own time."

"Maafa" is a Swahili word meaning a "great disaster" or a "tragedy," a fitting title for a film that attempts to expose "Black Genocide." Originally, "Maafa" described the period of history where Africans were kidnapped from their villages and taken to another continent to be sold as slaves. The documentary argues that the time of tragedy for the African-American people never really ended, but has actually intensified over the centuries.

Maafa 21 was produced by Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics and features Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr. It has been hailed as a must-see by black communities, and compared with "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" as it exposes what seems to be another inconvenient and shocking truth.

From the racist and eugenic words and actions of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, to today's abortion and birth control megacenters targeting black communities, the film makes a convincing argument and serves as a warning to the black community.

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Winning Speech: "Let America's Prenatal Children Live"

The following is the winning speech in a pro-life speech contest for college students cosponsored by Flint, Michigan Area Right to Life and Black Americans for Life.

It was delivered by Harrison Glenn, 19, a Delta College freshman. He is the son of Gary and Annette Glenn. Harrison's father, Gary, is President of the American Family Association of Michigan and a Sunlit Uplands correspondent.

By Harrison Glenn

've met some amazing women in my life. My mother was the first, with special other ones thereafter. But no matter how amazing, none of them have had two heads or four eyes.

But abortion activists like attorney Lori Andrews would have you think otherwise. When talking about pregnant women and their prenatal children, Lori Andrews said “people's body parts are their personal property."

In other words, she said, a pregnant woman does have two sets of body parts -- hers and her “fetus’s."

Does it matter if she’s right? Of course it does, especially to the baby.

Here’s just one way it matters: pain.

When we see someone else get hurt, it doesn't cause us pain, and likewise, during an abortion, a woman may not feel physical pain when her “second set” of body parts are ripped from her, but someone does. The baby does.

Abraham Lincoln once said: "As I would not be a slave, I would not be a master; for I would not choose for others, what I would not choose for myself."

Lincoln also said: “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him.”

And so it is with abortion. How many women who have had abortions would choose for themselves the “choice” they chose for their baby?

How many would choose themselves to be ripped apart, limb from limb, while their heart is still beating, aware of and feeling all that is occurring?

How many would choose to die an agonizing death in a vat of acid, which is what a saline abortion feels like to a prenatal child, or have their consciousness, their very minds sucked from their skulls, aware of and feeling it all til the last moment, as in a partial birth abortion?

My name is Harrison Glenn, and I am a survivor of the "pro-choice" era, one of the greatest tragedies on American soil. I am a survivor because my Mom and my Dad did not buy into the lie, because my Mom and Dad believed I had a God-given right to life.

Unlike 40 million of my generation’s never-born brothers and sisters, I have been given the chance to live life to the fullest, to see the sun set, to learn, grow, and fall in love.

And still, despite irrefutable scientific proof, abortion activists either argue illogically and unscientifically that life does not begin at conception…

…or argue immorally, as John Kerry did, that life does begin but it doesn’t matter if our laws allow that life to be snuffed out.

Such people, empowered by our courts, have denied more than forty million prenatal children the chance to live.

It is an irrefutable scientific, medical, biological, moral, and spiritual fact that human life begins at conception.

Still, many argue irrationally that an embryonic prenatal child, especially in its earliest stages of life, is not human. But let us think about this rationally and logically.

What kind of life is the embryonic prenatal child? Is it rabbit life? Vegetable life? Maybe bird life? No, the last time I checked I don’t have feathers.

It is a human life.

Others claim abortion is good to ensure that no child grows up in an abusive home. "Every child a wanted child," they say.

They suggest that if a family can have the "correct" amount of children at the "proper" times, then these family problems will be eliminated. No more child abuse, no more children that are not "wanted" will be born.

"Eliminating" the lives of prenatal children does not lessen child abuse. Brutally and painfully ending their lives is the ultimate child abuse.

In fact, according to doctors, 90 percent of all abused children are those that were wanted at birth. Abortion does not save children from growing up in abusive homes, it “saves” them from growing up at all! This is a “good” thing, they argue.

But Abraham Lincoln answers once again, regarding another great moral and social issue over which our great, great, great grandparents fought and even died, over another “good” in which some people thought they could exercise “choice” over the lives of other human beings:

“As a good thing, slavery is strikingly peculiar in this, that it is the only good thing which no man ever seeks the good of, for himself!”

So it is with abortion.

Still, I do believe in a woman's right to choose -- a right to choose whether to remain celibate.

Nearly every woman who ever had an abortion first made a choice to engage in behavior that might result in the creation of a prenatal child. A woman does not spontaneously generate a child. Some thought was involved in the process, and certainly some action.

For that less than one percent of all abortions in which the woman's choice was violently and criminally violated, the solution to that first wrong is not a second and even greater wrong -- to kill the innocent prenatal child because of the sins of its father.

The solution is to do all we can to prevent it from ever happening again, through harsher penalties for rape, or other methods.

As I said, a woman does not have two hearts, four eyes, two noses, four ears.

A baby is not just a part of a woman, nor a parasite, any more than any human being is a parasite on others just because we depend on each other.

Every human being is dependent in some way on others. You require the farmer's milk and food, the miner's steel, the autoworker’s car. You needed your mother as a prenatal child and beyond to survive, but did that dependence and your location make you somehow less human? No.

Finally, let's choose to be honest about what these procedures really are -- a partial birth, but total death, experience. And such a heinous procedure -- this partial birth, total death, abortion -- is not partially wrong. It is totally wrong.

We cannot stand by. The time to reclaim the birthright of all Americans, including America’s prenatal children, is now.

You see, life is not just a beautiful choice. In the eyes and laws of God, it is, and some day again under the laws of man, should be, the only choice.

I urge you to position yourself and take a stand against abortion.

Listen to the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
"On some positions, cowardice asks the question, is it expedient? And then expedience comes along and asks the question, is it politic? Vanity asks the question, is it popular? Conscience asks the question, is it right? There comes a time when one must take the position that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but he must do it because conscience tells him it is right."
I agree.

Now is the time, and conscience tells us it is right -- right to let America’s prenatal children live.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Knights of Columbus Refuse to Allow Suspension of Members Who Promote Abortion, Gay Marriage

The leadership of the Knights of Columbus (K of C) has forbidden local councils to take any action against members of the Catholic fraternal organization who support legalized abortion or same-sex marriage.

A Massachusetts K of C member had proposed a resolution, to be taken up by the group's state convention, calling for the suspension of membership of any politician who gave public support to abortion and same-sex marriage. That resolution was declared inappropriate by the Supreme Advocate of the K of C, John Marrella.

In a letter to the Massachusetts K of C leadership, Marrella declared that "a subordinate council may not impose fraternal discipline with respect to a public figure's official actions on matters pertaining to faith and morals. Rather, any such discipline must be made by or at the direction of the Supreme Board of Directors."

"We recognize that some of our members who are public figures may use their public position to advocate or support policy positions that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals," Marrella conceded in his letter. He went on to admit that such public advocacy "contradicts the Catholic identity and mission of the Order."

Nevertheless, the top legal official of the K of C said that any action taken against K of C members who are public figures would "necessarily affect the entire Order." For that reason, he said, any disciplinary action should be taken by the group's top leadership.

Marrella went on to say that the K of C would not go further than the American bishops in taking public action against members whose public stands conflict with Church moral teachings. "If the public figure's bishop has not excommunicated him for his public positions on issues relating to matters of faith and morals, it would be highly inappropriate for the Knights of Columbus to do so," he wrote.

The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, which had supported the proposed resolution at the state convention, decried the intervention by the top K of C office as an "abdication of responsibility." C.J. Doyle, the executive director of the Catholic Action League, said: "This letter effectively kills any grassroots initiative within the Knights to address the scandal of pro-abortion pols in the Order."

The Catholic Action League charged that the K of C's refusal to take action against pro-abortion members would allow the continuation of a public scandal. "In the 37 years since Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Board of Directors has never, to public knowledge, removed a single pro-abortion political figure from the Knights of Columbus," Doyle noted. "In Massachusetts, a majority of Knights serving in the Legislature voted in 2007 against a constitutional amendment restoring traditional marriage, and voted in 2005 for a law which compels Catholic hospitals to distribute the so-called morning-after pill to rape victims."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gallup: Pro-Life the "New Normal" on Abortion in U.S.

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

One year after a Gallup poll found that a majority of Americans identified as pro-life for the first time in the history of the question being asked by the pollster, the pro-life majority has survived, leading the pollster to declare the pro-life position the "new normal" on the question of abortion.

In the latest survey, 47 percent of Americans identified as pro-life, while 45 percent said they were pro-choice. Last May, the divide was 51 percent to 42 percent in favor of pro-life.

"While the two-percentage-point gap in current abortion views is not significant, it represents the third consecutive time Gallup has found more Americans taking the pro-life than pro-choice position on this measure since May 2009, suggesting a real change in public opinion," noted Gallup's Lydia Saad on Friday. "By contrast, in nearly all readings on this question since 1995, and each survey from 2003 to 2008, more Americans called themselves pro-choice than pro-life."

When broken down by political affiliation, Republican and Republican-leaning Americans have seen a steady increase in the percentage identifying as pro-life, while there was less movement among Democrats and Democrat-leaning Americans. Independents saw a jump in pro-life interest between 2003 and 2008, but have since declined slightly.

The pollster also reports that all age groups have become more attached to the pro-life identity, particularly young adults and Americans aged 50-64.

However, the percentage of Americans viewing abortion as morally wrong has not seen a corresponding rise, having fallen from 56 percent in 2009 to 50 percent in 2010. Only 38% call abortion "morally acceptable."

Saad suggested that the numbers reflect the polarizing effect that the deeply pro-abortion presidency of President Obama has had on the contentious issue.

"Barring evidence that Americans are growing more wary about the morality of abortion per se, the trends by party identification suggest that increased political polarization may be a factor in Republicans' preference for the 'pro-life' label, particularly since Barack Obama took office," wrote Saad.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rhode Island Bishop Severs Hospital from Pro-Obamacare Catholic Health Association

O for a couple of hundred more like this! We salute and thank Bishop Tobin for being a faithful and principled shepherd of souls.

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island has denounced the Catholic Health Association for supporting the abortion-laden federal health care reform law, and has asked that a local hospital be removed from membership in the group, reported ETWN Friday.

CHA, a for-profit trade association personally wooed by President Obama to support his health care overhaul, garnered heavy criticism from U.S. bishops for supporting the massive bill despite its lack of a ban on federal abortion funding – effectively making it the most pro-abortion piece of legislation since Roe v. Wade.

The CHA, which stands to profit from health care reform, in July 2009 had already pledged a large sum of money to the Obama administration to help ease passage of the overhaul, well before the final draft of the bill materialized.

Tobin told CHA director Sr. Carol Keehan in a March 29 letter that he was “very disappointed that the Catholic Health Association, under your leadership, publicly endorsed the recent health care legislation that was passed and signed into law.”

“This action was taken despite the fact that the legislation will very possibly provide additional public funding for abortion and threaten the freedom of conscience of Catholic individuals and institutions,” wrote the outspokenly pro-life bishop.

Tobin called out the group for paving the way to immense confusion among Catholics concerning the bill: “Your enthusiastic support of the legislation, in contradiction to the position of the Bishops of the United States, provided an excuse for members of Congress, misled the public and cause serious scandal for many members of the Church," he said.

Therefore, he said, “I am writing to request that St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island, sponsored by the Diocese of Providence, be removed from the membership list and mailing list of the Catholic Health Association.”

The bishop also requested "that our name be removed" as “even the association with CHA is now embarrassing.”

In conclusion, Tobin expressed hope that CHA "will review its mission and will find new opportunities to renew its commitment to human life, including that of unborn children."

"I also hope that the Association will clearly support the teaching mission of the Church as expressed by the Bishops, whose obligation it is to preach the Gospel of Christ and apply the teachings of the Church to the important moral issues of our time," he added.

Bishop Tobin had also entered into the health care debate in November, when he demanded that Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy apologize for accusing the U.S. bishops of not being "pro-life" and of "fanning the flames of dissent and discord" for refusing to support the legislation. Tobin called the pro-abortion Catholic congressman "a disappointment to the Catholic Church and the citizens of Rhode Island."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Indiana Right to Life Sets National Precedent with Resolution Denying Democrat Endorsements

The Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee today announced that it has formally adopted a resolution denying endorsements to all Democratic candidates as a direct result of recent passage of the pro-abortion health care reform bill with support from Indiana congressmen Brad Ellsworth, Joe Donnelly, and Baron Hill.

The resolution to be applied in the 2010 election cycle reads:

    "Whereas the Democratic Party officially endorses the right to unrestricted abortion on demand; and

    Whereas Democratic leadership continues aggressively to advance federal policies that undermine the right to life of unborn children; and

    Whereas Congressman Brad Ellsworth, Congressman Baron Hill, and Congressman Joe Donnelly betrayed the trust of pro-life Hoosiers by voting for the pro-abortion federal health care reform bill; and

    Whereas the Democratic caucus in the Indiana House, under the leadership of Speaker Pat Bauer, continues to block all legislation aimed at limiting, restricting, and reducing abortions in the state of Indiana; and

    Whereas candidates of the Democratic Party are responsible for the policies and actions of the party and its leadership;

    Be it resolved that the Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee will grant no endorsements to any Democratic candidates for any public office."

In 2008, Indiana Right to Life PAC adopted a similar but non-universal policy when it opted to withhold endorsements only from Democratic candidates for Congress or the Indiana House of Representatives. The new resolution extends the no-endorsement policy to all Democratic candidates.

"Our leadership anguished over this decision," notes IRTL-PAC chairman Mike Fichter. "Had Democrats like Brad Ellsworth held firm in opposing federal funding for abortion in the health care bill, we likely would have rewarded such action with a bipartisan endorsement policy. Ellsworth's collapse under pressure from the White House and Speaker Pelosi, as well as the collapse of his colleagues Joe Donnelly and Baron Hill, leaves us with no alternative. Leadership matters, and the reality is that Democratic leaders are advancing an abortion agenda at an alarming rate that will only be checked by a Republican majority."

Fichter adds that Democrats who wish to see a return of a bipartisan endorsement policy must work to change the party's platform on abortion and to change its party leadership. "The ball is the the Democratic Party's court," says Fichter. "As long as it continues to advance an abortion agenda, its candidates will not receive our support."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pro-Life Leader Calls for the Movement to Withhold Support for All Democratic Candidates for Federal Office

"The pro-life movement has learned firsthand that party affiliation matters, and it is a lesson we must never forget."

Mike Fichter, President of Indiana Right to Life and author of the newly-published book "Viability: What The Pro-Life Movement Must Do To Survive and Thrive", is calling on pro-life organizations to withhold support and endorsement of all Democratic candidates for federal office as a result of Sunday's passage of health reform legislation that includes federal funding for abortion.

"We must now relentlessly work for a Republican majority if we are to repeal this disastrous legislation, and that means withholding all support for Democratic candidates," states Fichter. "Every congressional Democrat is responsible for the passage of the pro-abortion health reform bill. We must especially recognize the political betrayal by those Democratic members of the House who call themselves pro-life, yet chose in the end to place party over principles by supporting this massive expansion of abortion. The pro-life movement has learned firsthand that party affiliation matters, and it is a lesson we must never forget."

Fichter notes that although the pro-life movement has historically extended its support for candidates in a bipartisan fashion, Democratic strategists have abused that approach in order to gain control of Congress and to advance an aggressive abortion agenda. "Democratic leaders understand that they must field conservative candidates in some districts in order to win those seats for the party," says Fichter. "They also know the key to political power is found in majority rule, not some romantic notion of bipartisanship. This strategy can only be defeated when the pro-life movement has the courage to draw hard lines and to call the Democratic Party out for the pro-abortion party that it really is."

"This disastrous turn of events must be a wake-up call to the pro-life movement to change its fundamental approach to political strategy, and it starts with a unified decision to withhold all support for members of the Democratic Party. Failure to do so will cost the lives of millions of unborn children."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stupak Stripped of 'Defender of Life' Award

Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund Pledges to Drive Out Pro-life Betrayers in November

In response to Rep. Bart Stupak's announcement that he and other self-labeled "pro-life" Democrats will vote in favor of Healthcare reform legislation with the addition of an Executive Order from the White House to address concerns about abortion funding, Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund President Marjorie Dannenfelser offered the following statement:

"This Wednesday night is our third annual Campaign for Life Gala, where we were planning to honor Congressman Stupak for his efforts to keep abortion-funding out of health care reform-we will no longer be doing so. By accepting this deal from the most pro-abortion President in American history, Stupak has not only failed to stand strong for unborn children, but also for his constituents and pro-life voters across the country.

"Let me be clear: any representative, including Rep. Stupak, who votes for this healthcare bill can no longer call themselves 'pro-life.' The Susan B. Anthony List Candidate Fund will not endorse, or support in any capacity, any Member of Congress who votes for this bill in any future election. Now through Election Day 2010, these representatives will learn that votes have consequences. The SBA List Candidate Fund will work tirelessly to help defeat Members who support this legislation and make sure their constituents know exactly how they voted. We will actively seek out true pro-life candidates to oppose Members who vote 'yes' on this bill, whether it be in general or primary elections. For these Members, it will be a quick downhill slide to defeat in November.

"The executive order on abortion funding does absolutely nothing to fix the problems presented by the health care reform bill that the House will vote on this evening. The very idea should offend all pro-life Members of Congress. An executive order can be rescinded at any time at the President's whim, and the courts could and have a history of trumping executive orders. Most importantly, pro-abortion Representatives have admitted the executive order is meaningless."

Last night, Rep. DeGette told The Huffington Post, "If there was an executive order saying they weren't going to use federal funds in the bill to pay for abortions that would be fine with me."

Today, Rep. Wasserman Schultz admitted to Fox News' Megyn Kelly that "an executive order cannot change the law."

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops pointed out today that "only a change in the law enacted by Congress, not an executive order, can begin to address this very serious problem in the legislation."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Schlafly: Health Care Vote Exposes the Myth of the 'Pro-Life Democrat'

Phyllis Schlafly, president and founder of the conservative grassroots public policy organization Eagle Forum, made the following remarks after the public announcement that formerly pro-life Democrat Bart Stupak (D-MI) will cast a "yes" vote for the Senate health care bill today in the House:

"It is naive for any elected official, especially one who describes himself as 'pro-life,' to expect that a promise to issue an Executive Order that reasserts the intentions of the Hyde Amendment will be fulfilled by the most pro-abortion president to ever sit in the White House. Perhaps Mr. Stupak and his fellow pro-life Democrats forget that President Obama's first Executive Order was the repeal of the Mexico City Policy to allow for international funding of abortion."

"Not only would an Executive Order be rendered meaningless in the face of Congress passing legislation which actively provides for the massive expansion and funding of abortion services, but anyone who doubts the abortion tsunami which awaits this bill becoming law lives in a fantasy world."

"Barack Obama has lined every existing federal agency with the most dedicated pro-abortion ideologues, and we know that he will continue this pattern of pro-abortion appointments when it comes time for him to fill the over-100 bureaucracies created to administer his socialized health care program."

"Any formerly pro-life Democrat who casts a 'Yes' vote for this Senate health care bill tonight will be forever remembered as being among the deciding votes which facilitated the largest expansion of abortion services since Roe v. Wade."

"Mr. Stupak and his Democrat followers have now clarified that you cannot be pro-life and be a Democrat. If abortion was truly their biggest issue, they wouldn't willfully align themselves with the Party of Death."

"This vote will expose the myth of the 'pro-life Democrat.' With this single vote, the Democratic Party will divide our nation into the Party of Death and the Party of Life, and future elections will never be the same."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pelosi Invokes 'St. Joseph the Worker' to Pass Pro-Abortion Health Bill

The botox must be causing side effects because this apostate never attempts to use her purported faith without getting the facts completely wrong. It is stunning how these modern-day Judases reveal themselves.

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

On the solemn Catholic feast of one of the most prestigious patron saints of unborn children, St. Joseph, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has invoked the husband of Mary and the stepfather of Jesus to help pass the abortion-laden health care bill.

"Today is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker," Pelosi told reporters Friday on Capitol Hill. "It's a day where we remember and pray to St. Joseph to benefit the workers of America, and that's exactly what our health care bill will do."

However, Catholic commentators quickly pointed out that Pelosi's Catholic pitch was less than pitch-perfect: March 19 is actually the Catholic feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary, and not the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, which takes place on May 1.

AmericanPapist blogger Thomas Peters wrote that, "When I first heard about this I thought it was a joke. But Nancy Pelosi's callous way of twisting her faith to suit her politics is beyond parody."

As more pseudo-Catholic organizations voice support for the health care bill, the Obama administration has jumped at the chance to win a "Catholic" endorsement for the bill in the hope of persuading conservative Democrats in the House to vote the measure through. Taking up that line, Pelosi noted that she was pleased "that we've got a letter representing 60 leaders of religious sisters" pushing the bill.

"Every order that you can think of was there saying that they wanted us to pass this life-affirming legislation," she claimed.

Network, a pro-abortion social justice lobby of religious sisters, earlier this week joined the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in urging support for the bill as "the REAL pro-life stance." Since then, however, a coalition of traditional nuns have rushed to back the USCCB's condemnation of the anti-life bill, which all major pro-life organizations have deemed completely unacceptable on the life issues.

In addition, a quickly-growing number of bishops have individually issued statements warning their flock not to be "fooled" by the left-wing religious sisters' endorsement.

Family Research Council, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and National Right to Life Committee to Host News Conference Call Today at 3 PM ET

Leading Pro-Life Groups to Address Abortion Funding and Mandate Provisions of Health Care Bill

Today, Friday, March 19, 2010 at 3 PM EST, Family Research Council, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and National Right to Life will hold a news conference call to showcase a united pro-life movement opposed to the abortion funding and mandate provisions as well as the lack of conscience protections within the health care bill.


Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council

Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President for FRC

Richard Doerflinger, Associate Director of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro Life Activities

Douglas Johnson, Legislative Director, National Right to Life Committee


Media Conference Call on Health Care Reform


Friday, March 19, 2010


Dial 866-939-3921

Saturday, March 13, 2010

U.S. Young Adults More Pro-Life: Gallup

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

The percentage of young adults in the U.S. favouring legalized abortion has undergone a significant drop, falling below all other age groups except seniors, according to a Gallup poll released Friday.

The poll results also indicate that young adults are now the group most likely (23%) to favor making abortion illegal in all circumstances.

Michael Barnett, director of American Life League’s LiveCampus project, said the poll backs anecdotal evidence gathered on college campuses nationwide.

“Abortion doesn’t make sense to a generation that wants social justice for all human beings," said Barnett. "It doesn’t take a Gallup poll to see that decades of decriminalized abortion have left an undeniable void in the lives of millennials – brothers, sisters and future classmates whose rights were denied even in the womb.”

LiveCampus is a program designed to train and activate pro-life leaders on the nation’s top campuses while developing resources for pregnant and parenting students, closing local abortion mills and creating counseling programs for post-abortive women.

“What we’re seeing is a generation that views attacks on human beings’ lives – such as abortion – as human rights abuses,” noted Barnett. "As that generation gap widens, legislators hoping to attract the youth vote and pass ‘health care reform’ are going to have to come to grips with that.”

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Michigan Man Guilty of Murdering Pro-Life Activist

Pro-life Martyr James Pouillon

A jury has found Harlan Drake guilty of two counts first degree premeditated murder in the shooting deaths of pro-life activist Jim Pouillon and gravel pit owner Mike Fuoss. Each count carries a sentence of life in prison without parole, insuring that Drake, 34, will spend the rest of his life behind bars.

The jury deliberated for four hours before returning their verdicts.

Defense attorneys unsuccessfully attempted to convince the jury that Drake was insane at the time of the murders and should not be held criminally responsible. The prosecution had argued that Drake understood what he was doing and knew it was wrong when he carried out his plan to murder Pouillon as he stood protesting abortion outside Owosso High School on September 11, 2009.

Drake indicated that he had no remorse for the killings, but understood he deserved to be punished for them. Prosecutors said Drake believed he was a hero.

"Justice has been done," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We are relieved that Mr. Drake's behavior will not be excused because he had a sad story to tell, and that he will be locked away for the rest of his life.

"The pro-life community was stunned by Jim Pouillon's senseless murder and a lot of us who share Jim's passion for protecting the innocent became acutely aware of just how fragile life can be. Jim was a kind-hearted man who cared about the injustices of the world and the plight of pre-born babies that die every day at our nation's abortion clinics. He had the courage to get up and try to do something about that injustice. The world was diminished by Jim's death and those of us who knew him miss him very much.

"We pray that Mr. Drake will now seek repentance and forgiveness through Jesus Christ while we continue to pray for comfort, healing, and closure for the victims' families and for the community that has been traumatized by these tragic murders."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unbelievable Coincidence Saves Baby from Abortion in Indianapolis

From LifeSiteNews
Commentary by David Bereit, National Coordinator, 40 Days for Life

I know you're familiar with the old saying, "God works in mysterious ways." Please sit down and read this whole story. Our God of mystery has outdone Himself this time!

A young woman in Indianapolis, Indiana - we'll call her Erin - woke up, saw her kids off to school, dropped her preschoolers at a friend's house, and noticed that she was late for an appointment ... at Planned Parenthood ... for an abortion.

So Erin picked up her phone and called to see if she could still come in. She thought she was calling Planned Parenthood. In her haste, she dialled a wrong number.

Instead of Planned Parenthood, she got Joseph, who was answering the cell phone that's being used by ...

... get ready for this ...

... 40 Days for Life in Indianapolis!

Joseph took a deep breath and tried to be as calm as possible. He took Erin's name and number and simply said that a counselor would call her back.

So Elizabeth, the counselor, called Erin. Elizabeth begged her not to hang up, and then explained that she had not reached Planned Parenthood. Asked if she was a Christian, Erin said "yes." So Elizabeth told her God's grace was at work in this "wrong number" situation.

So what had led Erin to the abortion center? Simply put - desperation.

She has four children, their father is in jail, she had lost her job, her electricity is about to be shut off, and she doesn't have enough money to pay the rent.

Later, Erin arrived at Planned Parenthood with her aunt. The aunt told counselors she opposed the abortion, but Erin's mother and sister insist it's the best answer. They say Erin just can't handle another child.

In the meantime, Elizabeth had spread the word about Erin's situation. A volunteer offered to pay her electric bill. Ten others pooled their cash to pay her rent.

Eileen in Indianapolis says a local group is now working with Erin to help her find a job. "She has a lot of potential," Eileen said, "but needs support since her mother and sister are still encouraging her to abort the baby."

Erin has reacted with both joy and disbelief that strangers were helping her. She has called Planned Parenthood to cancel her appointment and request a refund.

Please keep Erin and her family - and all those helping her - in your prayers.

So, you see? God does work in mysterious ways. There are no coincidences ... and in this case, no wrong numbers!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Woman Conceived in Rape Takes Message to the United Nations

Juda Myers, conceived in an eight man rape, will be sharing her powerful story at the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women. International speaker, singer/songwriter, author and paint artist, Myers seeks to empower women with knowledge of better choices, offering life as the better choice for all involved. Her message translated into Chinese, French, and Spanish, will be distributed to U.N. delegates.

The U.N.'s focus is to advance and empower women. While equal rights, education and health will be discussed, abortion "rights" is a hot topic. Myers' argument for life is powerfully moving, changing lives. Speaking at Harvard University in October 2009 with Harvard's largest pro life attendance in years, Myers' witnessed brilliant minds turn from the acceptance of abortion in any case to the reality of the gift of life. She speaks to all people from within the walls of prisons to the halls of the United Nations. "One can count the seeds in an apple but not the apples in a seed." Myers says referring to future generations that we may lose to abortions.

Placed for adoption at birth, she found her birthmother, Ann and her story, four years ago. Bursting into tears Myers' mother quickly patted her, "Honey stop your crying. I've forgiven those men. Look what God's done. He's brought you back to me. God is faithful." Ann said that Juda was just an innocent baby.

Myers' passion for people compels her to help others find joy in life. She's found that many women who are raped are usually talked into an abortion. Myers' own grandmother insisted she be aborted. Ann refused. Today Ann has no regrets, but it isn't the case for so many who have aborted rape babies or any other baby.

Myers' does training on forgiveness at conferences believing anyone can forgive any offense to gain health and happiness. She speaks on life, incorporating her original songs from her CD, God is Faithful. One song on the CD, called War Cry, challenges the listener to "love your enemy." Her new book, Hostile Conception Living With Purpose, along with her story, also offers practical steps to forgiveness with an entire chapter with stories of many other people who forgave horrific offenses.

For more information, please contact Juda Myers, Freedom Ministries, 281-451-8460,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Caught in Sex Abuse Cover-Up

From LifeSiteNews

New undercover footage shows staff at a Milwaukee, Wisc. Planned Parenthood abortion clinic apparently breaking the law by counseling a purportedly 14-year-old statutory rape victim not to tell anyone about her 31-year-old boyfriend, and coaching her how to obtain an abortion without her parents' consent.

The new video, the seventh in a series from Live Action documenting similar behavior in 5 other states, comes amid recent controversy about Planned Parenthood's compliance with state laws regarding minors and abortion.

After hearing that the girl is 14 and her boyfriend is "much older," the counselor in the video says that whether or not the situation will be reported by clinic workers "depends on the person you're disclosing that information to." When the girl says that her boyfriend is 31, the counselor tells her, "You don't have to say anything" about the statutory rape and instructs her, "Just give them the information that's needed." The counselor also confirms that the 31-year-old "boyfriend" will be paying for the abortion.

In Wisconsin, sex between an adult and a minor under age 16 is a felony, and health care professionals are required to report such cases to law enforcement immediately. The law specifically includes abortion providers in this requirement.

Live Action, the youth-led pro-life nonprofit that produced the video, has previously released undercover footage in its "Mona Lisa Project" showing sexual abuse cover-up at Planned Parenthood clinics in California, Indiana, Arizona, Tennessee, and Alabama.

The Alabama Department of Health put a Birmingham Planned Parenthood on probation two weeks ago after finding 9 legal violations during an investigation prompted by a Live Action video.

Twenty-one-year-old UCLA student Lila Rose, Live Action's president, says her organization's videos reveal a common trend of unethical counseling practices and disregard for the law at Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the U.S.

"In case after case, Planned Parenthood exempts itself from its legal and professional obligations," said Rose. "At a time when the Obama administration, through its new health care plan, is offering potentially billions of dollars to the abortion industry, state and federal lawmakers need to take notice of Planned Parenthood's lawlessness and make certain they receive no more taxpayer subsidies."

Live Action is also responsible for a recent video exposè of biased counseling and medical misinformation at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. Wisconsin law requires that women be provided accurate medical information before undergoing an abortion.

"The evidence is now available for all to see that Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin ignores state laws that have been in place for years," said the Live Action president.

"Wisconsin law enforcement needs to follow the lead of other jurisdictions, investigate this corrupt organization, and enforce the laws that protect vulnerable women and their pre-born children."

Gentle Tebow Ad Has Big Impact

From LifeSiteNews
By James Tillman

Approximately 4% of those who support abortion were lead to "personally reconsider [their] opinion about abortion" after watching the pro-life Super Bowl ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother Pam, according to a new Barna study.

Approximately 92.6 million Americans watched the ad when it aired February 7, during what is normally the most-viewed broadcast in America each year. Because slightly less than half of repondents in the poll self-identified as pro-abortion, the data suggests that about 1.7 million pro-abortion viewers reconsidered their position after watching the spot.

In addition, a majority of respondents saw the ad as both positive and suitable for the Super Bowl slot. Only 8% of respondents found it offensive.

Yet this was not the ad's only effect.

The ad, featuring a short message in which Pam speaks of how Tim almost failed to make it into the world, directs viewers to a longer video on the Focus on the Family website.

"Our [website] traffic jumped to 40 times its normal volume [during the game]," Focus on the Family spokeswoman Monica Schleicher said, according to the Denver Post. "In the hour during the pre-game [broadcast], when the other ad aired twice, our Web traffic was 20 times our normal volume."

In the powerful, ten-minute interview with Tim Tebow's parents on the Focus on the Family website, Pam and Bob Tebow describe how they had prayed for Tim to be born.

"We were very excited that I became pregnant with Timmy," Pam recounts, "and we went to see the doctor there in the town that we lived in; she said it wasn't a baby at all, he was a mass of fetal tissue, and that I needed to abort him immediately if I was going to save my life."

During the following very difficult pregnancy, Pam said that she thought she would lose Tim nearly daily; nevertheless, she continued to experience peace in resignation to God's will.

When Jim Daly asked what advice the Tebows would give to a young lady with an unplanned pregnancy, they were ready with an answer.

"I would say that baby's not a mistake, though it might seem that way to her," said Pam, "and that God will enable her to do the right thing and to give her the encouragement that she needs, but that there's also help for her."

"And girls have those options. They have a choice. And God really has his hand on the situation. There's so many people out there willing to help if they give them the chance."

Bob Tebow had a similarly simple message.

"The first thing I would say to you if you have a surprise pregnancy is: God loves you. God loves you, and he loves your baby," he said. "There are lots of people; they'll help you. Don't kill your baby."

The effect of the ad was multiplied by the piles of publicity pro-abortion groups generated by demanding that CBS refuse to show the ad, and complaining that the Super Bowl should not be a political event.

In a recent editorial, Focus on the Family President Jim Daly mentioned that "The criticism we've received from this ad has been curious."

"Many who consider themselves 'pro-choice' have found fault with us for celebrating Pam Tebow's choice," he continued. "Those who hold to such a radical position clearly appear to be more pro-abortion than pro-choice."

He continued by suggesting a few "modest changes" that might save lives: instituting a consent or waiting period at abortion facilities, requiring doctors to give women the option to view an ultrasound prior to an abortion, requiring parental involvement before abortion, and encouraging adoption.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Taxpayers Fund Abortions but not School Vouchers

From OneNewsNow
By Dr. Paul Kengor

In my last article, a somber remembrance of Roe v. Wade, I called attention to something that shocked readers: I noted that the Obama administration and Democratic Congress "rejected funding for school vouchers for poor children in Washington, DC, but supported funding for abortions for the mothers of those children."

The contrast is breathtaking, but true. It's another jolt to traditionally minded voters — especially pro-life Democrats and independents — who voted for "change" on November 4, 2008, and are now absorbing the change they authorized. In this case, the change stands in stark contrast to previous administrations and Congresses that prohibited federal funds to finance abortions in the District of Columbia. It veers well beyond liberals' assurance that abortion merely be "safe, legal, and rare."

If you didn't hear about this until now, don't be surprised. Over 300,000 pro-lifers marched in Washington last month without notice by the mainstream media. So, I'd like to take a moment to explain what happened:

Last summer, in July 2009, the overwhelmingly Democratic House of Representatives narrowly passed (by a vote of 219-208) a bill permitting the DC government to use locally raised tax revenues to provide abortions, reversing a long-standing prohibition.

Almost all Republicans voted against the bill. They were joined by some (but not enough) Democrats. Unfortunately, because of how Americans voted on November 4, 2008, the extreme left has such a massive majority in Congress that legislators who think taxpayers shouldn't pay for abortions couldn't stop the measure from being passed. Worse, because Americans — who, in recent polls, describe themselves as more pro-life and more conservative than ever — voted for the most radical abortion-rights advocate in the history of the presidency, the bill had full backing from the White House.

And so, the change in favor of abortion funding came via a $768 million DC Financial Services Appropriations bill that — here's the kicker — also included termination of school vouchers for poor children in Washington, DC, forcing those children out of private schools and back into public schools they fled.

Most Americans didn't notice any of this, given that the mainstream media that serves as educator-in-chief didn't dare highlight the story. Two sources that did notice, however, are worth quoting:

One is Rep. Joe Pitts, the Pennsylvania congressman who is a stalwart champion for the unborn. Pitts told me: "It's shameful that Congress has decided to use taxpayer dollars to fund the destruction of life in our nation's capital but has denied funding for a successful scholarship program that allows poor children a chance at a decent education. The juxtaposition in policies could not be more disturbing."

More disturbed than Pitts was Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, who was fit to be tied: "Following the lead of President Barack Obama," said Donohue, "the House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow the District of Columbia to fund abortions. Also following Obama's wishes, the same bill affirmed the...congressional decision to end school vouchers there."

"Here's what it comes down to," summed up Donohue. Poor pregnant women living in Washington, DC, "will be told that if they decide to abort their baby, the government will pay for it. But if they persist in bringing their baby to term, the government will not help them to avoid the same lousy public schools that Barack and Michelle shunned for Sasha and Malia." Donohue denounced the action as "cruel."

No doubt, it's an outrage. Of course, it's also predictable. By and large, liberals oppose school vouchers but support legalized abortion. In that sense, this is nothing new.

What is new, however, is this sudden aggressive push by today's "progressives" for taxpayers to fund abortions. This is the culmination of a progressive death march begun a century ago by Planned Parenthood founder and racial eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who preached extraction of "human weeds" from the gene pool in order to advance "race improvement" (her words). Today's progressive heirs have taken Sanger's torch and lit up the barn.

And thus, we now have — in no less than the nation's capital — a poster-child for that grim progressive worldview. It's a child who doesn't get aid to go to a private school — even as his mother pays school taxes — but whose mother gets aid to abort the child's sibling.

We're not only losing our conscience as a nation; we're losing our mind.

I know the response I'll get from Democrats: furious emails, enraged at me. That's sad. I'm simply reporting what happened. I didn't vote for any of this. I plead with them: If you're angry, write to the people in your party who are responsible. Only you can stop this madness. Clean your own house.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tebow's Defensive Line: 50,000 and Counting

NOW and Company Are on Wrong Side of America, New York Times

Today Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser announced that over 50,000 Americans have submitted comments of support to football star Tim Tebow through the Susan B. Anthony List website, The comments support the Tebow family's decision to share their story in Focus on the Family's pro-life Super Bowl advertisement. The National Organization for Women (NOW) is leading feminist groups in a campaign demanding CBS pull the ad from its Super Bowl schedule.

"NOW and company are on the wrong side of American public opinion," said Dannenfelser. "In only four days, over fifty thousand Americans have sent messages of support to the Tebow family on The outcry of national support for Tim Tebow's pro-life leadership illustrates the strength of the growing American pro-life majority."

The Susan B. Anthony List-sponsored website,, was launched late Wednesday, January 27, 2010. Already 50,000 visitors to the site sent personal comments of support to Tebow. Visitors can also view a short ESPN video about Tebow. Over the same period, the abortion-rights group EMILY's List has collected only 16,000 anti-CBS petition signatures.

"NOW's campaign against CBS, the Tebow family and Focus on the Family is going nowhere fast," said Dannenfelser. "Old guard feminists like Kate Michelman and Frances Kissling are struggling to defend their opposition to the ad, and their desperate arguments ring hollow. The 'pro-choice' label has worn out its usefulness – it is an empty platitude for the pain women feel when they've made the abortion choice. Arguments that abortion is somehow as liberating and self-sacrificing as Pam Tebow's decision to choose life in the face of great personal pain just don't stand the straight face test. Such callous attitudes grate on the conscience and defy experience."

On Sunday, January 31, 2010, Kate Michelman and Frances Kissling published a Washington Post commentary arguing, "abortion is as tough and courageous a decision as is the decision to continue a pregnancy."

The New York Times editorialized in favor of CBS' decision to run the Tebow Ad on Sunday, January 31, 2010, arguing that NOW's "protest is puzzling and dismaying." Editors went on to criticize the campaign's "lame attempt to portray the ad as life-threatening," and argued that "CBS was right to change its policy of rejecting paid advocacy commercials from groups other than political candidates."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NC Public Schools: Pro-Life Laws, like Segregation, are Examples of ‘Oppressive Government’

From Catholic World News

New curricular guidelines drafted by North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction strongly encourage students to view pro-life legislation as an example of “oppressive government” akin to laws that permitted segregated public schools.

According to the department’s web site, all North Carolina public school students are required to take a course in civics and economics in order to graduate from high school. The draft of the revised civic and economics curriculum includes the following formative assessment prototype:

Using three Supreme Court Cases (e.g., Brown v Board, Roe v Wade, Korematsu v US) as support explain how the US Supreme Court has upheld rights against oppressive government?

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka was the 1954 Supreme Court decision that struck down laws permitting segregated schools; Roe v Wade was the 1973 decision that struck down pro-life legislation across the nation.

North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue, Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton, and Superintendent of Public Instruction June Atkinson are all advocates of legalized abortion who were endorsed by NARAL (formerly the National Abortion Rights Action League).

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.