Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts with label Dr. George Tiller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. George Tiller. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Abortionist Killed: National News -- Abortionist Kills Woman: Ignored

From ChristianNewsWire
By Valerie Mosher Pfeil

Abortionist George Tiller's death brought an outpouring of national media headlines and Congressional condolences to his family by a resolution approved by the US House. Laura Hope Smith's death at the hands of an abortionist was and continues to be ignored and her mother's effort to bring it to the attention of her senator was stonewalled.

"Where was the press when my daughter Laura died at the hands of an abortionist?" asks Eileen Smith, Laura's mother. A media search shows mostly news reports from nonprofit organizations, religious news and other alternative media.

Laura's death was mentioned 10 months later in one major publication, The Boston Globe, when the abortionist was indicted for manslaughter. It was 6 weeks before her local paper, The Cape Cod Times, mentioned Laura's death, although it sought out her mother for a two-hour interview just 2 days after Laura's death. Smith says the local newspaper rationalized delaying a report on Laura's death so it could corroborate it with an autopsy report.

"Since when has news been postponed in lieu of reporting facts except in the abortion deaths of the mothers?" asks Smith. "I have to believe that it is only because the media's bias toward abortion determines what makes news," she said.

"If Laura had died falling off a bike or in a car accident it would have been in the paper the next day," she said. "My daughter walked into that abortion facility healthy and she left dead," Smith said.

Smith believes Tiller's death is another senseless killing in the history of abortion, adding to the 50 million untimely deaths of unborn babies, including the 60,000 viable babies aborted by Tiller. "His death is a tragedy, but so are all the lives that were taken by him and the lives of over 400 women who have died as a result of an abortion," said Smith.

The abortionist was indicted by a grand jury for manslaughter in the death of Laura, following an investigation by local police and the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine. The District Attorney found the abortionist's conduct to be "willful, wanton, and reckless" because he sedated Laura with level three drugs without any means of cardiac monitoring or blood pressure cuff; had no assistant who could administer sedation, monitor the patient, or assist in resuscitating her; and, "failed to timely initiate a call to 911." The board also alleged that the abortionist made false statements.

"I call on the media to report deaths like Laura's," said Smith. "If Tiller's death merits national news, so does a death at the hands of an abortionist," she added.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart “One Sick Individual”: Nebraska Attorney General

From LifeSiteNews
By John Jalsevac

In the wake of the murder of his close friend and colleague George Tiller, Nebraska late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has stated that he will continue offering third-trimester abortions.

In a telephone interview with the Associated Press last week Carhart said, "there will be a place in Kansas for the later second- and the medically indicated third-trimester patients very soon."

Carhart said that he has never performed third-trimester abortions at his facility in Nebraska, but that he has done so at Tiller’s facility in Wichita. Carhart would occasionally perform late-term abortions at Tiller’s facility to avoid Nebraska’s more restrictive laws, which forbid abortions on babies that are viable.

With Tiller dead, however, the number of doctors willing to kill unborn babies in advanced stages of pregnancy, especially when they are capable of surviving outside the womb, has been reduced. Carhart says that he will step up to the plate to continue the practice.

Nebraska’s Attorney General Jon Bruning, however, is not a fan of Carhart’s plan.

“I'm disgusted and I'm saddened and I hate it that he's here in Nebraska, and I hate it that he's in America,” Bruning told KETV7. “I mean, this guy is one sick individual.”

During a preliminary injunction hearing in a US District Court in 1997 on the issue of late-term abortions, Carhart testified that he would sometimes dismember advanced-stage unborn babies during abortions, while the babies were still alive (read the testimony here). Carhart described in detail the process of grasping the limb of the baby to be removed, and then twisting it off. When asked if the babies usually die during the process of dismemberment, Carhart responded, "I don't really know. I know that the fetus is alive during the process most of the time because I can see the fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound."

Operation Rescue has responded to Carhart’s recent statements by saying that it will formally ask the Nebraska Attorney General for an investigation of Carhart’s facility and practices.

“We believe this decision creates a clear and present danger to the public and puts the lives of women at grave risk,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

“Conditions at Carhart’s run-down abortion mill are gross and appalling. I wouldn’t let my dog be treated in a dump like that. His incompetency has cost at least one mother’s life, and has seriously injured others.”

Operation Rescue has documented Carhart’s participation in a half-dozen abortions that resulted in life-threatening complications that required emergency hospitalization, including the third-trimester death of Christin Gilbert.

Earlier this year, Operation Rescue’s complaints that Carhart was operating his abortion mill, the Abortion and Contraception clinic of Nebraska, illegally and under dangerous conditions prompted the City of Bellevue to temporarily close him down. OR released photos showing Carhart’s abortion business taking abortion patients while running on only an extension cord and a generator.

Carhart recently drew the ire of Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Alveda King, for comparing the late abortionist George Tiller to her uncle. Tiller’s death was the "equivalent of Martin Luther King being assassinated ... the equivalent of Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania and any other major historic event where we've tolerated the intolerable for too long," said the abortionist.

“For LeRoy Carhart to mention the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who worked through peaceful and non-violent means, in the same breath with that of George Tiller, whose work ended peace and brought violence to babies in the womb, is offensive beyond belief,” she said. “The analogy is just wrong.”

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tiller's Abortion Facility to Close Forever

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

In a statement released today, the attorneys of late-term abortionist George Tiller confirmed that his Wichita abortion facility would shut its doors permanently, following Tiller's murder last month.

"The family of Dr. George Tiller announces that effective immediately, Women's Health Care Services, Inc., will be permanently closed," stated attorneys Lee Thompson and Dan Monnat today. "Notice is being given today to all concerned that the Tiller family is ceasing operation of the clinic and any involvement by family members in any other similar clinic."

The statement went on to praise Tiller's "service and courage" and asserted that Tiller's family would honor his memory through "private charitable activities."

The attorneys also emphasized that the medical records of Tiller's former patients would "remain as fiercely protected now and in the future as they were during Dr. Tiller's lifetime."

George Tiller, who was perhaps the most notorious late-term abortionist in the United States, was shot and killed May 31 at the Lutheran church he regularly attended. Hours later, Scott Roeder of Kansas City was apprehended and charged with the first-degree murder of the abortionist.

Over 60,000 unborn children are believed to have been killed in the Wichita facility at Tiller's hands since he began his operations there in 1975.

"It is a bittersweet moment," wrote Operation Rescue president Troy Newman in an email about the closure of the abortion centre. "Operation Rescue was just 2 months away from getting Tiller's medical license revoked and that would have accomplished the same goal."

Operation Rescue, which moved its headquarters to Wichita in 2002 to focus its resources on shutting down Tiller’s sordid business, was the leading source of peaceful resistance against the abortionist's burgeoning business for several years.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Religious Right Didn't Kill George Tiller

The left tries to smear 'Christianists' as akin to Islamic extremists.

From The Wall Street Journal
By James Kirchick

On Sunday, abortion doctor George Tiller was murdered at his church in Wichita, Kan. He was one of a handful of doctors in the U.S. who performed late-term abortions and for decades had been a target of virulent criticism from antiabortion activists. His clinic had been bombed and vandalized, and in 1993 he was shot in both arms in a failed assassination attempt. Tiller's alleged killer, Scott Roeder, is a long-time radical antiabortion activist with reported ties to a militant antigovernment organization called the Freemen.

Within hours after the murder, every antiabortion group in the country denounced the attack. Robert P. George, a leading Catholic intellectual opponent of abortion, wrote that "George Tiller's life was precious" and characterized his murder as "a gravely wicked thing." He called on his fellow abortion opponents to "teach that violence against abortionists is not the answer to the violence of abortion."

Even Operation Rescue, the extreme antiabortion group that organized a six-week blockade of Tiller's office in 1991, issued a statement condemning the murder. "We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning," Troy Newman, the organization's president, said.

These unqualified reproaches are nothing new. The organized antiabortion movement has always opposed violence against abortion providers. That has never stopped opportunistic prochoice activists, however, from conflating their passionate rhetoric with the behavior of individual criminals. True to form, on Sunday, Mike Hendricks of the Kansas City Star accused anyone who had criticized Tiller as a murderer (Tiller aborted healthy, nine-month old fetuses) of being an "accomplice" to his death.

Over the past decade this argumentative tactic has taken on an even more insidious twist. In addition to fighting violent, Muslim jihadists abroad, some liberals argue that America must deal with its own, homegrown terrorists. These are not just people who commit violence but millions of socially conservative evangelicals and Catholics -- "Christianists" -- who comprise the base of the Republican Party and threaten the stability of the country.

In 2007, former New York Times Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Hedges published a book called "American Fascists" that compared conservative evangelicals to European brownshirts of the 1920s and 1930s. That same year, CNN's Christiane Amanpour hosted a three-part series, "God's Warriors," that equated Christian (and Jewish) fundamentalists with Muslim extremists.

The comparison between the religious right and Islamic extremists is invariably partisan so as to smear the GOP as being held hostage to forces as dangerous as Hamas or Hezbollah. "Even as the Bush administration denounces and battles Islamic religious zealotry abroad, fundamental Christian zealotry is taking hold here at home," wrote Stephen Pizzo on the liberal Alternet Web site in 2004. On his popular HBO program, comedian Bill Maher frequently compares murderous Islamists to censorious Christians.

But if the reactions to the death of Tiller mean anything, the "Christian Taliban," as conservative religious figures are often called, isn't living up to its namesake. If "Christianists" were anything like actual religious fascists they would applaud Tiller's murder as a "heroic martyrdom operation" and suborn further mayhem.

Radical Islamists revel in death. Just witness the videos that suicide bombers record before they carry out their murderous task or listen to the homicidal exhortations of extremist imams. Murder -- particularly of the unarmed and innocent -- is a righteous deed for these people. The manifestos of Islamic militant groups are replete with paeans to killing infidels. When a suicide bomb goes off in Israel, Palestinian terrorist factions compete to claim responsibility for the carnage.

There is no appreciable number of people in this country, religious Christians or otherwise, who support the murder of abortion doctors. The same cannot be said of Muslims who support suicide bombings in the name of their religion.

Yet speak of the disproportionately violent strain in Islam to a "progressive" person and you'll be met with sneering recitations of millennia-old Christian crusades or Jewish settlements in the West Bank. As for conservative Christians' contemporary political endeavors, lobbying to ban the teaching of evolution in schools or forbidding same-sex marriage simply does not threaten society in quite the same way as the genital mutilation of young girls or the bombing of the London transit system.

I happen to support a legal regime that would, in Bill Clinton's famous words, keep abortion safe, legal and rare. I hold no brief for the religious right, and its views on homosexuality in particular offend (and affect) me personally. But it's precisely because of my identity that I consider comparisons between so-called Christianists (who seek to limit my rights via the ballot box) and Islamic fundamentalists (who seek to limit my rights via decapitation) to be fatuous.

In the coming days, we will hear more about how mainstream conservative organizations and media personalities created an "environment" in which the murder of an abortion doctor became an inevitability. Just as talk radio was blamed for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, an attempt will be made to extend the guilt for this crime from the individual who pulled the trigger to the conservative movement writ large. But the Christian right's responsible reaction to the death of George Tiller should put to rest the lie that Judeo-Christian extremists are anywhere near as numerous or dangerous as those of the Muslim variety.

Mr. Kirchick is an assistant editor of the New Republic and a contributing writer to The Advocate.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is the Obama Administration More Concerned About Radical Anti-Abortionists Than Radical Islamists?

From The Fox Forum
By Father Jonathan Morris, L.C.

This week we have witnessed two apparently similar drive-by killings by enraged activists. Suspect Scott Roeder has been charged with killing late-term abortion provider George Tiller as he served as an usher in his church. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad is charged with shooting and killing an army recruitment officer (and wounding another) as the victim stood outside his office. Both cowardly suspects fled the scene. Both men are now in police custody. Both were motivated by what they considered their religious convictions.

"The Obama administration is giving the impression that they consider the threat of additional crazed anti-abortionists, ready to kill abortion providers, to be greater than the threat of additional radical Islamists ready to strike domestic targets."

With the two events having so much in common on the surface, it would seem logical to suggest—-and some in the media are already doing this—that radical anti-abortionists like Scott Roeder offer a threat to our national security that is on par with radical Islamists like Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad. Nobody says this outright, but much of the reporting I have seen assumes crazed individuals with warped religious ideology who act independently of any organized group are just that–crazed individuals — and that they’re basically all alike.

In my opinion, we make a grave mistake if we follow the media’s lead.

Yes, both Scott Roeder and Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad acted independently in their crimes this week. But while Scott Roeder’s ideology was just the fruit of his own psychological imbalance, Abdulhakim’s ideology is shared by dozens of well organized groups and thousands of men and women who have done harm to our country in the past and have sworn to wreak greater havoc on our homeland and military in the future. Proof of this important distinction between the nature of these two tragic events has been the unanimous condemnation of Scott Roeder’s crime by every major pro-life group in our nation. That’s on the one hand. On the other hand, we get nothing but silence from the leaders of the particular strain of Islam that Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad studied in Yemen.

In other words, it is crystal clear that Scott Roeder, the man suspected of killing Dr. George Tiller, in no way represents the pro-life cause he heralded, while Abdulhakim will be considered a hero by many of his fellow Islamists whose cause is the destruction of America and Christianity in particular.

This distinction seems to escape not only our nation’s media but also the leaders at the top of the current administration. In fact, based on their law enforcement decisions and political responses to these two events this week, the Obama administration is giving the impression that they consider the threat of additional crazed anti-abortionists, ready to kill abortion providers, to be greater than the threat of additional radical Islamists ready to strike domestic targets.

Yesterday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the federal government will begin to provide increased security at abortion clinics and for abortion providers. But no announcement was made about increased security of military recruitment centers. With all the intelligence we have about Islamists who want to kill our soldiers, you would think that this recent murder at an Army recruitment center would have deserved at least the same response from the Attorney General.

More significant still was President Obama’s decision to release a statement condemning the killing of Dr. George Tiller and calling for mutual respect in the abortion debate. Notice how in this case President Obama went to the cause of the murder—disrespect for human life. But so far, the President has not seen fit to release a statement rejecting the radical Islamist motivation of Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, even though he is about to embark on a trip to the Muslim world this week, where the killer’s anti-American sentiment was cultivated.

Every murder is wrong and demands our condemnation. Also worthy of condemnation is the administration’s politically correct obfuscation of these two murders. It’s a mistake to treat a handful of crazed anti-abortionists as a greater threat to our national security than the countless faithful followers of a fanatical Islamist ideology that continues to threaten our very existence.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dr. Alveda King on the Killing of George Tiller

In the wake of the killing of abortionist George Tiller, I asked my good friend, Alveda King, if she would share her thoughts with Sunlit Uplands readers. Alveda is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, she has lost members of her family to violence, she is a veteran of the civil rights movement in her own right, and had an abortion before becoming a leader in the pro-life movement. I am grateful for the following thoughts that she has allowed me to share:

“Two years ago, I visited George Tiller’s clinic in hope of telling him that babies desire mercy. I wanted to share with him the harm I experienced from abortion. My prayer was that one day he would join me in repentance. I am deeply sorry that his life was taken before that could happen.

“It’s especially horrifying that Dr. Tiller was shot in church. My grandmother, Alberta King, was killed by a Christian-hating gunman as she played the organ during Sunday services. Just as the womb should be a safe haven, so should church. I condemn this murder in the strongest possible terms.

A colleague of mine in a pro-life African-American coalition, Pastor Stephen Broden, also declared, 'Pro-lifers are devastated by the Tiller killing. In the great tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray, march, and counsel peacefully. Just as earlier civil rights workers, pro-lifers do not answer violence with violence.'”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Randall Terry on the Right Response to Tiller's Death

First, we should grieve for him that he did not have an opportunity to properly prepare his soul to face his Maker. Unless some miracle happened, he left this life with his hands drenched with the innocent blood of tens of thousands of babies that he murdered. Surely there will be a dreadful accounting for what he has done.

It now falls to pro-life activists like you and me to stand strong and unflinching in the face of the unjust criticism we will now endure because of his killing. And so I turn my attention to the attacks that will follow his death.

We must use this as a "teaching moment;" a chance for "dialogue" with our fellow Americans concerning this terrific holocaust of the unborn. In that light, I am going to speak clearly and without compromise. I beg you to read this entire letter, and to then watch the video I filmed.

Let us be clear: George Tiller was a mass murderer. He routinely killed innocent children who were "viable." For the unlearned, that means that those babies could live outside the womb on their own. He specialized in killing "handicapped" children whose parents decided that they were not fit to live. He even offered photographs of the dead children and baptisms for the victims that fell under his knife.

According to God's laws, and the laws that govern how we protect the innocent in times of peace, George Tiller was one of the most evil men on the planet; every bit as vile as the Nazi war criminals who were hunted down, tried, and sentenced after they participated in the "legal" murder of the Jews that fell into their hands.

I write all of these words with surgical precision to shore up the more timid elements of the pro-life movement. Pro-life leaders are already falling over themselves to exclaim, "We are peaceful! We deplore this violence!"

Of course we are peaceful; that is why this horrific shooting in a church has immediately garnered national attention. It is precisely because we are peaceful that Dr. Tiller's killing sticks out like a huge wart on an otherwise flawless complexion. If abortionists were gunned down every week, it would gather no more attention than crack dealers who are gunned down every week by fellow drug dealers.

For those surprised by my words, let me tell you exactly why I am using such clear and unflinching rhetoric.

Here is what is about to happen: President Obama has already relayed his "shock." The arch proponents of child killing such as Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women, NARAL, and a host of other enemies of children are going to blame the pro-life movement for Dr. Tiller's death.

These child killers, and their allies in the Obama administration and on Capitol Hill, will attempt to browbeat the pro-life movement into surrendering our most effective weapons in this battle: our rhetoric, our actions, and our images.

Concerning rhetoric, they will blame those of us who call abortion "murder" and say that it is this highly charged rhetoric that inspires people to "take the law into their own hands."

Concerning actions, they will say that our protests and vigils and sit-ins are responsible for the shooting.

Concerning images, they will whine that the pictures of babies murdered at the hands of Tiller and other abortionists incite people to acts of violence.

All of these accusations are lies.

Beyond that, these foolish accusations fly in the face of equally radical rhetoric, images, and images in the civil rights movement, the suffragette movement, and the abolitionist movement. If Dr. Martin Luther King had followed the advice of the timid in his day, President Obama would still be riding in the back of the bus.

Simply put: pro-lifers must not flinch, waver, or in any way alter our course in our epic struggle to make child killing illegal again.

Our rhetoric must bear witness to the truth: abortion is murder. Abortion is the brutal slaughter of innocent human beings; a vile, demonic murder of a human being made in the image of God. Those "doctors" like George Tiller who slay the innocent are hired assassins whose hands are covered with blood. As the sacred Scriptures say: "Cursed is he who receives a bribe to strike down an innocent person."

Our actions must be equal to this crime: we must protest with vigorous (yet peaceful) actions such as have been used by every social revolution since America's birth. The easiest picture to have is that of the civil rights activists of the 1960s. They held "illegal" marches, freedom rides, and "sit-ins" at lunch counters; they were met with water canons, dogs, police brutality, arrests, and jail. If we are going to end child killing, we must unflinchingly adopt the strategies of heroes past.

Our images must simply reflect the truth. We must continue to show the victims' bodies that we have pulled out of dumpsters; we must not retreat a single inch from showing the decapitated heads of little boys and girls, the arms and legs that were suctioned or carved out of their mothers wombs; we must paint the picture of sewers and landfills being used as unholy graves for these holy victims.

In the days following Dr. Tillers killing, every pro-abortion advocate in the country will howl that Tiller's death is the fault of the pro-life movement's rhetoric, actions, and images. We must not fear, nor flinch, nor waver on any front.

Our mission is to end the legalized killing of the unborn from conception until natural birth. In this epic struggle - this "war" between the "culture of death" and the "culture of life" - there are going to be unforeseen crises and difficulties. Dr. Tiller's death is one such unforeseen moment.

However, we must not allow the forces of death to use this moment to glorify their heinous acts. Rather, we must use Dr. Tiller's death as a "teaching moment" to pull the veil away from the insidious murder that is happening every day, every hour, in abortion mills like Tiller's across the country.

Wherever Mr. Tiller's soul is right now - I know he agrees.

Be strong, be brave, and be unflinching in the coming days. We must defend the babies in the face of the death of their killer.

Randall Terry

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sebelius Caught Underreporting Campaign Contributions from Notorious Abortionist: HHS Nomination May be in Jeopardy

From LifeSiteNews
By Kathleen Gilbert

The Washington career of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius may be in danger after it was revealed that the Health nominee reported only a fraction of her campaign contributions from Kansas' late-term abortionist George Tiller. At least one GOP senator reportedly said the issue has raised doubts among Republican senators about the governor, a well-known champion of abortion that Obama picked to head the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS).

After the full senate confirmation vote was delayed earlier this month, the Senate Finance Committee probed Sebelius' connection to notorious late-term Kansas abortionist George Tiller in a list of questions that were published this week with the governor's answers.

However, in her answers Sebelius reported only about one third of the actual sum of campaign contributions that she received from George Tiller, despite a specific question from Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., about Tiller's contributions to her Political Action Committee (PAC).

The senator asked: "Can you describe your relationship with Mr. Tiller? Has he ever contributed to your campaign or has your PAC ever received money from Mr. Tiller or a PAC related to Mr. Tiller?"

Sebelius responded: "I have been familiar with Dr. Tiller for many years because he lives and works in Kansas. Dr. Tiller, like many Kansans, contributed to my campaign for insurance commissioner. I received $12,450 over an eight-year period (1994-2001), which represented 1 percent of my total contributions during that time. Since that time, I have received no donations from Dr. Tiller or any PAC related to him."

Contribution and expenditure reports on file with the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission, however, reportedly show the figure to be closer to $38,450 - a discrepancy of $26,000.

The HHS said yesterday that the omission was an "oversight" Sebelius would correct.

A senior Senate Republican aide told the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) that the affair is now considered a transparency issue as well as a life issue, and is something the GOP intends to probe.

The Sebelius nomination has been stridently opposed by pro-life advocates who have cited her personal and financial ties to the abortion industry, in addition to her pro-abortion record. However, their concerns were not aired in Sebelius' first two confirmation hearings.

"Ironically, Sebelius' relationship with Tiller helped launch her career, and now her attempts to minimize that relationship could very well be her undoing," said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. "You can't dance with the devil and not expect to have to pay the piper."

"Oversight of taxes is one thing, but this reveals a deadly alliance," Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told CBN today. Earlier in the confirmation process, Sebelius was forced to pay more than $7,000 in back taxes to fix improper deductions.

"It calls into question how she could oversee America's healthcare system objectively, and not be tainted by these alliances with the abortion industry," Perkins said.

He noted that Sebelius' apparent dissembling on abortion funds coupled with her entrenched opposition to minimal late-term abortion regulations could paint a troubling picture for senators.

"I think this changes the landscape of the Sebelius nomination," said Perkins. "At this point it raises the question: what else has she not told us? What other things remain in Sebelius' closet? ... What other political connections may have tainted her decisions as governor?"

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Obama to Nominate the Doyenne of Death to be HHS Secretary

Governor Sebelius with "Dr. Death," Criminal Abortionist George Tiller

It is expected that Obama will announce tomorrow the appointment of Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Virtually all the appointees of this, the most stridently pro-abortion administration ever, are pro-aborts. However, Ms. Sebelius has distinguished herself as the nation's doyenne of death. She has accepted over $20,000 in political contributions from the nation's most notorious abortionist, Dr. George Tiller, and even hosted a dinner for him in the Governor's Mansion. He has performed over 60,000 abortions and is now being prosecuted for 19 counts relating to illegal late-term and partial birth abortions.

Bill O'Reilly's "The Factor" has reported that Tiller was aborting babies of girls aged 10-15, including victims of forcible rape, "and those abortions were not reported to authorities as required by law" O'Reilly said, "so the criminals who impregnated the girls have so far gotten away with it."

The Kansas Attorney General has stated, "When you have a 10- or 11-year-old child who is pregnant, and gets an abortion, and no one calls the police, it's likely a family member that is abusing that child."

Efforts are now underway to gin up phony Catholic organizations to provide political cover and support for this outrageous nomination. But the last three Archbishops of Kansas City have made clear that Ms. Sebelius is no Catholic. She was rebuked in 1992 by Archbishop Ignatius Strecker for leading what he termed a "death march for the unborn." In 2003, Archbishop James Keleher asked her to move her inauguration interfaith service from Topeka’s Assumption Catholic Church because of her scandalous abortion advocacy. She refused. The current Archbishop of Kansas City, Joseph Naumann, has told her she should refrain from receiving Holy Communion.

Obama appointees have a tendency to derail themselves for such things as not paying the taxes they levy on everyone else. But this nominee needs to be vigorously opposed for her very public and militant record advocating unlimited abortion, and for her close association with the most unscrupulous profiteers in that demonic industry.