Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Obama Declares June Sodomite Pride Month

From OneNewsNow
By Jody Brown and Allie Martin

In a presidential proclamation on the White House website, Barack Obama has lauded what he calls "the determination and dedication" of the LGBT movement by proclaiming June as "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month."

President Barack H. Obama"The LGBT rights movement has achieved great progress," Obama states in the official proclamation, "but there is more to be done. LGBT youth should feel safe to learn without the fear of harassment, and LGBT families and seniors should be allowed to live their lives with dignity and respect."

The proclamation, released on Monday, credits the LGBT movement with being a factor in more Americans who ascribe to those groups "living their lives openly today than ever before."

The president also takes pride in being the first U.S. chief executive to appoint "openly LGBT" candidates to Senate-confirmed positions in the first 100 days of an administration.

He uses the proclamation to emphasize LGBT-related initiatives that he intends to pursue in the future -- both domestically and internationally.

"I have joined efforts at the United Nations to decriminalize homosexual around the world," he states. "Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans."

Among those measures he lists "hate crimes" laws, civil unions, discrimination in the workplace, adoption rights, and ending the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy "in a way that strengthens our Armed Forces and our national security."

Peter LaBarberaPresidential pandering

Pro-family activist Peter LaBarbera says it is sad, but not surprising, that President Obama has chosen to issue a proclamation celebrating homosexuality. The president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality says Obama is pandering to homosexual political activists.

"Homosexuality is nothing to be proud of -- bottom line," says LaBarbera. "The fact is people have left the lifestyle, people have overcome homosexuality [with God's help] -- I think that's something to be proud of...."

LaBarbera warns of the repercussions of the president's pursuit of expanded rights for those who are confused about their sexual orientation.

"This proclamation talks about the entire radical homosexual agenda that Obama supports -- including homosexualizing the U.S. military [and] federal so-called 'rights' based on homosexuality, which will impinge on the religious freedoms and freedom of conscience of other Americans."

Christians, he believes, must reach out to homosexuals with the message of the gospel.

Bush's Shocking Biblical Prophecy Emerges: God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins"

Bush explained to French Pres. Chirac that the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Mid-East and must be defeated.

From AlterNet
By Clive Hamilton

The revelation this month in GQ Magazine that Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary embellished top-secret wartime memos with quotations from the Bible prompts a question. Why did he believe he could influence President Bush by that means?

The answer may lie in an alarming story about George Bush's Christian millenarian beliefs that has yet to come to light.

In 2003 while lobbying leaders to put together the Coalition of the Willing, President Bush spoke to France's President Jacques Chirac. Bush wove a story about how the Biblical creatures Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and how they must be defeated.

Read the rest of this entry >>

Dr. Alveda King on the Killing of George Tiller

In the wake of the killing of abortionist George Tiller, I asked my good friend, Alveda King, if she would share her thoughts with Sunlit Uplands readers. Alveda is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, she has lost members of her family to violence, she is a veteran of the civil rights movement in her own right, and had an abortion before becoming a leader in the pro-life movement. I am grateful for the following thoughts that she has allowed me to share:

“Two years ago, I visited George Tiller’s clinic in hope of telling him that babies desire mercy. I wanted to share with him the harm I experienced from abortion. My prayer was that one day he would join me in repentance. I am deeply sorry that his life was taken before that could happen.

“It’s especially horrifying that Dr. Tiller was shot in church. My grandmother, Alberta King, was killed by a Christian-hating gunman as she played the organ during Sunday services. Just as the womb should be a safe haven, so should church. I condemn this murder in the strongest possible terms.

A colleague of mine in a pro-life African-American coalition, Pastor Stephen Broden, also declared, 'Pro-lifers are devastated by the Tiller killing. In the great tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we pray, march, and counsel peacefully. Just as earlier civil rights workers, pro-lifers do not answer violence with violence.'”

Monday, June 1, 2009

GLSEN Founder Overseeing Safety of Nation's Schools?

From OneNewsNow
By Jim Brown

A conservative activist says the appointment of the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network to head the U.S. Education Department's Office of Safe Schools is the equivalent of putting O.J. Simpson in charge of women's safety.

GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings was recently appointed by Education Secretary Arne Duncan to serve as assistant deputy secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The Department's announcement of Jennings' appointment describes GLSEN as "an organization that works to make schools safe for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity."

But Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, says the Jennings appointment is a radical move. GLSEN, she explains, is a "child corruption" organization that consistently promotes books on its website that legitimize sexual encounters between adults and minors.

"One book called Growing Up Gay, Growing Up Lesbian -- it's an anthology; they've had this on their site for years, even after I reported on it and others have," Harvey explains. "[The book describes] a man looking back on his youth [who] said that he had had sex with one of his father's gay friends when he was a young teenager -- and he talks about it in graphic terms and that this was a great experience in his life."

Harvey finds it ironic that President Obama's new "safe schools" czar is a leading proponent of an extremely unsafe, destructive lifestyle.

"They are the people involved in the infamous 'Fistgate' programs in Massachusetts where public health officials were describing dangerous, high-risk behaviors to very young teenagers," she says. "Again, this was a GLSEN-sponsored program."

Jennings previously served a co-chair of the Obama campaign's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) finance committee.

An Obama Move to Split Off Hispanic Catholics?

From Catholic World News

By nominating a Hispanic theologian, Miguel Diaz, to become the US ambassador to the Holy See. President Obama is posing a serious challenge to the Catholic Church, according to a Time magazine analysis. The President is trying to woo Hispanic Catholics, the magazine suggests, and thereby pull them away from the influence of the Catholic hierarchy while solidifying the strength of the Democratic party among Hispanic voters. In a crass example of politicization of religion, Time claims: "The American Catholic church may be the one institution more worried than the GOP about losing Hispanics." (Notice the assumption that a Hispanic Catholic drawn into the orbit of Democratic party politics is lost to the Church.)

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

We've Got Rush and Drudge Beat!

On May 22, a week and a half ago, we posted a column from the Russian newspaper Pravda about America's descent into Marxism at the hands of our number one toxic asset, Barack Hussein Obama. Today that story is posted on the Drudge Report, and between 2 and 3 pm we had an enormous spike in visits resulting from Google searches because Rush Limbaugh was talking about it.

The moral is, friends, if you want to know what people will be talking about next week, you need t
o read Sunlit Uplands today.

Randall Terry on the Right Response to Tiller's Death

First, we should grieve for him that he did not have an opportunity to properly prepare his soul to face his Maker. Unless some miracle happened, he left this life with his hands drenched with the innocent blood of tens of thousands of babies that he murdered. Surely there will be a dreadful accounting for what he has done.

It now falls to pro-life activists like you and me to stand strong and unflinching in the face of the unjust criticism we will now endure because of his killing. And so I turn my attention to the attacks that will follow his death.

We must use this as a "teaching moment;" a chance for "dialogue" with our fellow Americans concerning this terrific holocaust of the unborn. In that light, I am going to speak clearly and without compromise. I beg you to read this entire letter, and to then watch the video I filmed.

Let us be clear: George Tiller was a mass murderer. He routinely killed innocent children who were "viable." For the unlearned, that means that those babies could live outside the womb on their own. He specialized in killing "handicapped" children whose parents decided that they were not fit to live. He even offered photographs of the dead children and baptisms for the victims that fell under his knife.

According to God's laws, and the laws that govern how we protect the innocent in times of peace, George Tiller was one of the most evil men on the planet; every bit as vile as the Nazi war criminals who were hunted down, tried, and sentenced after they participated in the "legal" murder of the Jews that fell into their hands.

I write all of these words with surgical precision to shore up the more timid elements of the pro-life movement. Pro-life leaders are already falling over themselves to exclaim, "We are peaceful! We deplore this violence!"

Of course we are peaceful; that is why this horrific shooting in a church has immediately garnered national attention. It is precisely because we are peaceful that Dr. Tiller's killing sticks out like a huge wart on an otherwise flawless complexion. If abortionists were gunned down every week, it would gather no more attention than crack dealers who are gunned down every week by fellow drug dealers.

For those surprised by my words, let me tell you exactly why I am using such clear and unflinching rhetoric.

Here is what is about to happen: President Obama has already relayed his "shock." The arch proponents of child killing such as Planned Parenthood, the National Organization of Women, NARAL, and a host of other enemies of children are going to blame the pro-life movement for Dr. Tiller's death.

These child killers, and their allies in the Obama administration and on Capitol Hill, will attempt to browbeat the pro-life movement into surrendering our most effective weapons in this battle: our rhetoric, our actions, and our images.

Concerning rhetoric, they will blame those of us who call abortion "murder" and say that it is this highly charged rhetoric that inspires people to "take the law into their own hands."

Concerning actions, they will say that our protests and vigils and sit-ins are responsible for the shooting.

Concerning images, they will whine that the pictures of babies murdered at the hands of Tiller and other abortionists incite people to acts of violence.

All of these accusations are lies.

Beyond that, these foolish accusations fly in the face of equally radical rhetoric, images, and images in the civil rights movement, the suffragette movement, and the abolitionist movement. If Dr. Martin Luther King had followed the advice of the timid in his day, President Obama would still be riding in the back of the bus.

Simply put: pro-lifers must not flinch, waver, or in any way alter our course in our epic struggle to make child killing illegal again.

Our rhetoric must bear witness to the truth: abortion is murder. Abortion is the brutal slaughter of innocent human beings; a vile, demonic murder of a human being made in the image of God. Those "doctors" like George Tiller who slay the innocent are hired assassins whose hands are covered with blood. As the sacred Scriptures say: "Cursed is he who receives a bribe to strike down an innocent person."

Our actions must be equal to this crime: we must protest with vigorous (yet peaceful) actions such as have been used by every social revolution since America's birth. The easiest picture to have is that of the civil rights activists of the 1960s. They held "illegal" marches, freedom rides, and "sit-ins" at lunch counters; they were met with water canons, dogs, police brutality, arrests, and jail. If we are going to end child killing, we must unflinchingly adopt the strategies of heroes past.

Our images must simply reflect the truth. We must continue to show the victims' bodies that we have pulled out of dumpsters; we must not retreat a single inch from showing the decapitated heads of little boys and girls, the arms and legs that were suctioned or carved out of their mothers wombs; we must paint the picture of sewers and landfills being used as unholy graves for these holy victims.

In the days following Dr. Tillers killing, every pro-abortion advocate in the country will howl that Tiller's death is the fault of the pro-life movement's rhetoric, actions, and images. We must not fear, nor flinch, nor waver on any front.

Our mission is to end the legalized killing of the unborn from conception until natural birth. In this epic struggle - this "war" between the "culture of death" and the "culture of life" - there are going to be unforeseen crises and difficulties. Dr. Tiller's death is one such unforeseen moment.

However, we must not allow the forces of death to use this moment to glorify their heinous acts. Rather, we must use Dr. Tiller's death as a "teaching moment" to pull the veil away from the insidious murder that is happening every day, every hour, in abortion mills like Tiller's across the country.

Wherever Mr. Tiller's soul is right now - I know he agrees.

Be strong, be brave, and be unflinching in the coming days. We must defend the babies in the face of the death of their killer.

Randall Terry