Smoky Mountains Sunrise
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Lindsey Graham. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Lindsey Graham. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lindsey Graham Supports Tax Cheat for Treasury Secretary

Get used to it South Carolina; Lindsey Graham (RINO-Seneca) just can't say no to big black men.

He just voted to confirm an admitted tax cheat to serve as the nation's chief financial officer and oversee the printing of money and the collection of taxes. On the big issues where Senator DeMint will be voting as a principled, South Carolina conservative, Lindsey Graham will be canceling out that vote and voting with the Senators from Massachusetts. Even liberals like Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) voted against Timothy Geithner. Not Graham! He was with Obama and the socialist agenda.

Here at Sunlit Uplands we urged you to dump the quisling and nominate Buddy Whitherspoon. We then had the chance to elect a Democrat, Bob Conley, who is as conservative as Senator DeMint and would be voting with him in representing South Carolina views. Instead, you sent this not-so-closeted liberal back to be a critical vote as Barack Obama imposes the most destructive agenda America has ever seen.

At what point will you demand that he stop? Will there be any issue on which he will go too far? What will it take for you to support a recall? We were criticized for referring to this embarrassment as Massachusetts' third Senator. How many times will he vote with Ted Kennedy before you feel betrayed and realize he does not represent you?

Monday, August 2, 2010


The Greenville County Republican Party voted tonight to "rebuke" Senator Lindsey Graham "for his cooperation and support of President Obama and the Democrat Party's liberal agenda for the United States."

The county committee further resolved that he "will no longer be invited to attend or participate in meetings sponsored by the Greenville Republican Party."

The resolution, passed by a near unanimous vote, cites Graham's votes in favor of TARP and its resulting debt and expansion of the federal government; his support for two nominees to the U. S. Supreme Court; his support for amnesty for illegal aliens, and his continuing work for "comprehensive immigration reform.
" The resolution states that Graham has "abandoned the Republican Platform" and its provisions in support of:
  • limited government
  • capitalism
  • the free market system
  • the original intent of the Constitution
The resolution adds that Graham has "repeatedly demonstrated contempt and arrogance toward those members of the Republican Party who support these core Republican beliefs.

The committee has previously censured Graham for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Move Over Gore, Make Way for Lindsey Graham

The following post from Stop the ACLU, makes clear that the lunatic left has found a new hero. You must be proud, South Carolina, it's our very own Lindsey Graham.

The Guardian, official mouthpiece of Britain’s pointy-headed establishment Left, can’t help but admit that the Nobel Prize-bedecked Al Gore is a figure of fun. Referring to the Goracle’s recent desperate rant in the friendly New York Times, Guardian contributor Dan Kennedy (a Boston journalism professor) laments that Prince Albert

has not only spent his political capital, but is running a deficit. Mocked by the right every time he pops up, he is no longer in a position to convince anyone who isn’t already convinced — especially when he writes for our most liberal daily newspaper.

It started, of course, with the vicious lies told about Gore during the 2000 presidential campaign, the most notorious of which was that he claimed to have “invented the internet” … the smear campaign that almost certainly cost Gore the presidency.

You don’t get much more vicious than poking fun at a blowhard politician for indulging in excessive self-promotion. It’s almost as mean as saying that skunks stink.

The hate stirred up by that effort has long since congealed into conventional wisdom. Now, whenever Gore speaks out on climate change, he is subjected to withering, fact-free scorn. It has its effect on those trying to figure out the truth. Go ahead. Feel the hate:

“Do you think of your breathing passages as spewing sh*t?” sneered Ann Althouse, referring to Gore’s use of an “open sewer” metaphor.

Another rightwing blogger, Van Helsing, wrote that Gore had emerged “to demand totalitarian restrictions on economic activity in the name of a crisis that clearly does not exist”.

And Andrew Breitbart’s notorious Big Journalism site ran a commentary by Kyle-Anne Shiver, who said of Gore, “His life as a jet-setting, Nobel Peace Prize-sharing, Oscar-brandishing celebrity is on the line. Without the people’s diehard faith in his religion of global warming, Al will be forced to trade his lifestyle of the mega-rich-and-famous for an ignominious and expensive defense of never-ending lawsuits brought by enraged sucker governments and private investors.”

Not to worry, moonbats. Another hero has arisen to take up the burden of rescuing the polar bears from our freedom and prosperity:

But if Gore’s effectiveness as a climate-change activist has expired, there is nevertheless reason to hope. Because there, in the same edition of the Sunday Times, just a few inches away, was columnist Tom Friedman’s interview with the ghost of climate change present, South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham—living proof that it is possible for a conservative Republican not only to be sane, but to work toward real solutions to actual problems.

Grahamnesty is praised for wanting to shut down Club Gitmo (which would be a big propaganda coup for Muslim terrorists and their liberal enablers), for backing racist radical Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, and most of all, for conspiring with the disgraceful Hanoi John Kerry to drive millions of jobs overseas in the name of the global warming hoax with Tax & Charade. They might also have mentioned his support for shamnesty, his denunciation of those who want our border defended as “bigots” who need to “shut up,” his alliance with sinister hard left financier George Soros, the delight he took in Dems taking over the Senate, and his support for leaping toward communism by nationalizing banks.

With uncharacteristic understatement, the Guardian admits that Goober is “well to the left of many South Carolina Republicans.” Fortunately, Tea Partiers are on to Graham; as is the Republican Party of Charleston. Less fortunately, there’s nothing voters can do about him until 2014. Maybe he’ll pull a Specter by then.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Richard Cash Posts Web Infomercial in Bid to Rid South Carolina of Lindsey Graham

We haven't settled on a candidate yet; we'll support the conservative with the best chance of ridding South Carolina of its rogue and treasonous Senator, Lindsey Graham.  But there is no question, Richard Cash would make a superb United States Senator and would give South Carolinians two thoughtful and principled conservative votes in the United States Senate. 
Like any good candidate, Richard Cash needs to introduce himself to Republican voters throughout our state, but in the end the Republican Primary will be a referendum on the Senate career of Lindsey Graham.  We have commented on its many outrageous highlights; and we hope Richard Cash will speak no less frankly and boldly about Graham's unconscionable betrayal of the people of South Carolina.  The candidate who does that will be elected to the United States Senate in 2014, and what a great day that will be.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Will Lindsey Graham Face a Serious Primary Challenge?

By Javan Browder

It’s becoming more and more clear that Senator Lindsey Graham is on shaky ground with the GOP electorate in SC.  Multiple county GOP groups have recently passed censure measures against him, and by overwhelmingly large margins, with other counties soon to vote on similar censure measures.

A recent poll conducted by Landmark Communications and Rosetta Stone Communications showed that Graham only reaches 42% of the vote against his field of primary challengers, and still falls short of 50% against any of them in a head to head matchup.

Adding to voter frustration over Graham, is his recent vote in favor of cloture on the Senate version of the Harry Reid amended CR bill which allowed full funding for Obamacare, something the House had stripped out in its version before sending it to the Senate. The cloture vote required at least 60 votes, so it could not pass without at least 6 republican votes, and once cloture was invoked it meant that the bill would be voted on as is with the Obamacare funding and only need 51 votes to pass.  Many conservatives believe the process was a setup between the powers that be in both parties. That was the main purpose of Senator Ted Cruz’s 21 hour filibuster, to try and bring attention to the fix. Though Graham did vote against the actual bill, by voting for cloture, many conservatives feel that he cast a de-facto vote in favor of Obamacare funding.

Friday, May 15, 2009

From Our Mail: Lindsey Graham Representing Massachusetts Again

From: Gun Owners of America

Re: Graham Sponsoring Bill That Will Result in National Anti-Gun Database

Friday, May 15, 2009

Do you know what your supposedly "Republican" senator is doing right now?

Well, it turns out that Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is also leading the "hit parade" on behalf of legislation which would expand the scope of government in a way unprecedented in human history -- and which would place your most private medical data into an anti-gun database.

Hard to believe?

But there he is: Sen. Graham is right up there with certifiable liberals like left wing Oregon Democrat Ron Wyden and left wing Michigan Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

The bill is S. 391, and it is being pushed by some Republicans as an alternative to the Health Care Gun Ban that we've been warning you about.

S. 391 does a hodgepodge of things, but by far the most important one is to "solve" the problem of 48 million uninsured by taking away the right of Americans not to purchase government-approved insurance.

If you are uninsured, you would have to buy health insurance, whether you can afford it or not. If your employer is not unionized, he would have to retool your employer-provided health insurance policy to comply with government requirements.

If your employer cannot afford government-approved insurance with all of the politically correct bells and whistles, too bad. His only legal alternative is to fire you.

If you cannot afford government-approved insurance, too bad.

If you have to lose your home -- or your small business -- or your kids' college fund -- in order to pay for government-approved insurance, too bad.

And like the Massachusetts system on which it is modeled, the federally mandated insurance would inexorably revolve around a federal database of medical information that you could not opt out of.

So, remember when your kid's pediatrician asked him about your gun collection? Or when you grandfather was diagnosed with a mental disability which could disqualify him from owning a gun?

All of that will be in the federal database, which could be searched by virtually anyone in the Department of Health and Human Services -- and by BATF, by simple request.

And, although section 103 of S. 391 purports to allow you to keep the coverage you have, all employer-provided insurance which you wish to keep has to be rewritten to contain all the government-required mandates -- or you're not allowed to keep it.

ACTION: Contact Senator Graham and urge him to remove his cosponsorship from S. 391. Please use his webform at to do so.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Scott Brown Votes "No" on Kagan, Grahamnesty Votes "Yes"

Once again, we must apologize to Massachusetts for once suggesting that Lindsey Graham is the third Senator from that state. Massachusetts has more reliably conservative representation in the United States Senate than Lindsey Graham offers South Carolina.

the U.S. Senate voted, 63 – 37, to confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Among those who did not vote to confirm Kagan, was Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts. Among those voting with the Democrats to confirm Kagan was South Carolina's Lindsey Graham.

In a statement explaining his vote, Brown said:

“When it comes to the Supreme Court, experience matters. No classroom can substitute for the courtroom itself, where decisions are made that affect the day-to-day lives of American citizens, and where one's judicial character and temperament is shaped in favor of the fair and just application of the law.”

As Supreme Court decisions and Elena Kagan's critical votes accrue over what may be decades, remember Scott Brown's principled decision ... and remember South Carolina's rogue Senator who voted to put her there.

You can thank Senator Brown at: (202) 224-4543 or (617) 565-3170.

Don't waste your time calling Lindsey, but he will likely be on the Republican Primary ballot in 2014.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Lindsey Graham for President?

Is there a member of the United States Senate who doesn't look in the mirror in the morning and see a future President of the United States?  The most laughable of the egotistically deluded must surely be our own Lindsey Graham.  He wants to determine if there is a "viable path" to the nomination.

While the presidential standard has been seriously lowered in recent years, surely it is not this low.  We'd like to suggest to the traitorous RINO that he look to the party and those voters who secure his election in South Carolina - the Democrats.  But even they are likely to suggest that he go to the back of the line.  Or maybe he can have his friends Mike Huckabee and John McCain cut some ads telling us what a conservative he is.  

It will be fun watching Republicans, all over America, handing him his big head.

Sen. Lindsey Graham sets up committee to explore 2016 presidential bid



Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lindsey Graham Fails to Understand the US Constitution

Graham’s opponent, Richard Cash, states Snowden had a duty to expose NSA scandal

ANDERSON, SC - Senator Graham’s perspective regarding the unconstitutional behavior of the US Government in searching through the phone records of US citizens is off base. Senator Graham has stated he is “glad” that the Obama administration has undertaken massive spying on American citizens.

Richard Cash
In contrast, South Carolina businessman Richard Cash, Graham’s only declared primary opponent, asks, “How would you feel if a government agent showed up at your home once a month and asked to study your phone bill to see who you have been talking to and how often and for how long? In light of the fourth amendment and the lack of probable cause, it is clearly unconstitutional on the face of it.”

To make matters worse, Senator Graham thinks the wrongdoer is not the government, but the whistle blower. Senator Graham has stated, “I view Mr. Snowdens’ actions not as one of patriotism, but potentially a felony. I hope we follow him to the ends of the earth to bring him to justice.”

According to Cash, those comments are uncalled for and a distraction from the constitutional issue at hand. Cash stated, “Senator Graham has shown little regard for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The government has overstepped its bounds by targeting law abiding citizens.”

Cash went on to say, “Senator Graham’s comments are over the top. Perhaps a whistle blower such as Mr. Snowden is simply doing his duty and trying to uphold the Constitution. The central issue remains, however, the illegal government operation that led to this embarrassing revelation.”

Richard is a graduate of Furman University with a degree in Economics and Business Administration.  He has worked professionally as a computer programmer and analyst, served full time as a pro-life missionary, and volunteered as a youth coach and athletic director.  He is the founder and owner of two small businesses, which he has operated for the past 14 years.  Richard and Marcia have been married for 28 years.  In 2010, Richard ran for US Congress in the third district.  After winning the primary over a field of 6 candidates, he narrowly lost a runoff to Rep. Jeff Duncan.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Huckabee Finds Himself Aboard the Titanic and Wants OFF!

For months now, conservative talk radio stations throughout South Carolina have been airing a message from Governor Mike Huckabee telling us how grateful we should be for the "conservative" leadership of Senator Lindsey Graham.  The ads, paid for by a pro-amnesty for illegal immigrants front-group with the misleading name of South Carolina Conservative Action Alliance, have also touted Graham's inclination to intervene in every war raging on the planet.

Such ads obviously sounded, in the months before a GOP Primary for the Senate nomination, like an endorsement.  But apparently Governor Huckabee, with political ambitions of his own, hasn't been to South Carolina in awhile, or has just been informed that he booked passage on a sinking ship.

On Thursday evening he posted the following message on his website:
To be clear, I haven’t endorsed Lindsey Graham for Senate.

Obviously, Senator Graham’s people are using the ‘Thank you’ ad and treating it like an endorsement, but neither the PAC nor I personally have endorsed in the South Carolina Senate race. Please help me by sharing this statement with your friends across South Carolina so voters understand where I stand.
Clearly, anyone who has been in politics as long as you have, Governor, should have known that such radio ads would be used and received as a political endorsement, particularly in the months preceding a hotly contested primary.   No need for panic, however, there is a lifeboat -- may we suggest that you endorse the real conservative in the race - our next U.S. Senator, Bill Connor.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just How Bad is Senator Lindsey Graham?

The following story reveals that he is pushing higher gas taxes that members of his own party AND the White House oppose.

Since the South Carolina GOP is adding advisory questions to their June primary ballot, how about one on amending the SC Constitution to allow for the recall of federal representatives,
as we proposed here?

Let's deal with the rogue Senator now. Too many issues are at stake for one South Carolina Senator to be canceling out the votes of the other. We need two United States Senators in Washington.

WH Opposes Higher Gas Taxes Floated by S.C. GOP Sen. Graham in Emerging Senate Energy Bill

Sen. Graham's spokesman, Kevin Bishop, passed along a set of talking points about the South Carolina Republican's still-developing tax on gasoline, a so-called "linked fee" that would establish a separate tax on a gallon of gas and adjust that tax over time in relation to lower industrial and utility pollution. In theory, as emissions fall, so would the magnitude of the tax on gasoline.

Graham is adamant his energy fee is not a straight gasoline tax, even though critics say by whatever name it will raise the price at the pump and, consequently, harm recession-battered consumers.

The Senate GOP leadership today took pains to say this tax idea is Graham's and Graham's alone. It's not the first time Graham has been out on a policy limb. Graham insists his approach is better than one-size-fits-all federal regulations (The Environmental Protection Agency now has the legal authority to impose regulations reducing green house gas emissions. The agency recently announced it would delay any new for one year to give Congress time to hammer out its own climate change legislation). President Obama has said he prefers congressional action to federal regulation.

Read the rest of this entry >>

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lindsey Graham -- Working to Bring Third World Terrorists to America

Senators Graham and Leahy
South Carolina's delusional presidential candidate, Lindsey Graham, is working hard, across the aisle, to earn his 0% support in presidential preference polls.  He has now joined Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) in introducing the Middle East Refugee Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act (S-2145), which will provide $1 billion in funding to resettle refugees in the United States.  The legislation could resettle as many as 100,000 refugees over two years, compared with the Obama administration's plan to resettle a mere 10,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 16 and 25,000 in Fiscal Year 17.

Graham's latest treasonous act comes after FBI leaders stated in Senate hearings earlier this year that massive resettlement of refugees in the United States poses national security concerns and that the Bureau has no system to determine which refugees pose a threat to the United States.  The new refugees would also pose a massive chain migration nightmare.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The New Democrat

From The New American
By Jim Capo

According to Bob Conley, the Democrat nominee for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina, “The New Democrat
is the Old Democrat.” And that Democrat is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and fiscally conservative.

Bob Conley actively supported Pat Buchanan's presidential bid on the Reform Party ticket in 2000. More recently, he supported Republican Congressman Ron Paul's presidential bid. He is now running for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina- as a Democrat.

Though he is still largely ignored by the establishment media, Bob Conley has already won the Democratic primary and his name will appear on the ballot in November as the Democratic nominee. His primary victory should be added to those of John McCain's and Barack Obama's on the list of improbable but notable outcomes thus far in 2008. On a shoestring budget, and with only a few months under his belt in his new party, Bob Conley won his primary race against Michael Cone, a Charleston lawyer, by 1,049 votes out of 147,287 cast.

The commercial pilot, professional engineer, and flight instructor is now up against Lindsey Graham, the Republican incumbent, who in the current Congress (to date) has scored a mediocre 56 percent in The New American's "Freedom Index," a congressional scorecard that rates all members of the House and Senate based on their adherence to the Constitution. Conley often refers to Senator Graham as "McCain's Mini Me" and "Grahamnesty" (a moniker coined by Rush Limbaugh). Graham was one of the key Republican senators who tried (unsuccessfully) to push through the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform (read: amnesty) bill last year.

If a Democrat running to the right of the Republican seems a bit odd, it should be kept in mind that the Republican Party has been moving to the left. In fact, many Republicans are "neoconservatives" who promote a corporate-socialist-internationalist agenda under the banner of Republican conservatism. Neoconservatism has become so prevalent within the Republican Party that some conservatives have left the party in disgust. For example, former GOP Congressman Bob Barr migrated to the Libertarian Party and is now the Libertarians' presidential nominee. Pastor Chuck Baldwin is running for president under the Constitution Party banner. And Bob Conley, the engineer-pilot-pragmatist, with a signature flattop haircut, thinks he has a better idea: run and actually win as a Democrat. Since his plan has worked so far, we caught up with "FlatTop Bob" to flat out ask him, "What's up?"

The New American
: With your conservative views, why are you running as a Democrat and how were you able to win the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina?
Bob Conley: I had a simple opening message for voters, "I'm the Democrat your grandfather voted for." The "Blue Dog" is the wave of the future. The New Democrat is the Old Democrat. You can campaign and win as a Democrat on a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, traditional values, fiscally conservative platform. The 2006 elections proved this. Jeffersonian ideals can still win in the party that Jefferson founded. Outside of a few elitist, urbanite white folks, the message of Ted Kennedy doesn't play in South Carolina - even among rank-and-file Democrats.

TNA: You have described yourself as a "Jeffersonian Democrat." How do you define that term?
Conley: A Jeffersonian Democrat believes in small government; he believes that the government that governs least governs best. Like Thomas Jefferson, I believe that government power must be limited and that those entrusted with exercising that power must be held in check. As Jefferson put it, we must not put confidence in man, but "bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

TNA: You have also called yourself a "Larry McDonald Democrat." What's a Larry McDonald Democrat?
Conley: A champion of the Constitution. Larry McDonald, a member of Congress from Georgia, was a modern Jeffersonian Democrat. He served in the U.S. House from 1975 until 1983, when he disappeared on Korean Airline Flight 007. Dr. McDonald was a traditional Southern Democrat, and was the most conservative member of that body. In fact, he was chairman of the John Birch Society.

TNA: You mentioned earlier that a Democrat who's pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-traditional values, and fiscally conservative can win. What are a couple of the other issues you are campaigning on?
Conley: The U.S. has suicidal immigration problems that must be fixed; amnesty is not a solution, and will only exacerbate the problem; the importation of foreign nationals to take Americans' jobs and drive down wages must stop. I'm running against the occupation of (not war in) Iraq. We need to end the occupation now.

TNA: How fast is "now"?
Conley: As rapidly as is consistent with the safety of the troops. Complete redeployment may take three, six, or nine months, but must begin now. I would be surprised if the process takes more than a year.

I also support our veterans. Compare our treatment of our honorable veterans to how we treat dishonorable bankers on Wall Street with subsidies and bailouts. Corporate welfare has to end. I'm a reemergence of the traditional Democrat: think William Jennings Bryan.

TNA: What role do you see the Federal Reserve Board playing in our growing economic debacle?
Conley: The Fed is a banking cartel that should be abolished. It is a major part of the problem. It will never be part of the solution. I support constitutional money - including Lincoln's Greenbacks. We have to free ourselves from the Fed's debt-based money. As noted Austrian economist Murray Rothbard said in response to what should happen to the Fed, "It should just go away!"

TNA: You also support the FairTax. Why is that?
Conley: Three points: First, it will do away with the IRS and move towards repeal of the 16th [income tax] Amendment. Second, the special breaks for the corporate lobbyists will go away. And third, South Carolina has lost so many textile jobs to Communist China, it will help level the playing field on international trade. That is, it will allow our domestic manufacturers to compete under the so-called "free trade" agreements. It will counter the tax penalties Duncan Hunter talked about in his presidential campaign. Hunter used a football analogy to describe the 17-percent subsidy Communist China gives their exporters while at the same time penalizing our producers 17 percent. Team U.S.A. is down 34-0 on the scoreboard at the start of the game - and this doesn't even take into account the Chi-Coms' devaluation of their own currency.

TNA: How do you reconcile your Jeffersonian principles with the fact that the FairTax is supposed to be revenue neutral - that is, the federal government would collect as much money under the FairTax as it does now?
Conley: We did not get to where we are today in one step. The FairTax eliminates, among other things, the income tax and payroll taxes. This is a step in the right direction. Once that is accomplished, the next step to reduce the size of the federal government is by cutting spending-then paying off the national debt, then reducing the tax rate.

TNA: Getting back to your upset primary victory, how were you able to pull it off without mega bucks for advertising?
Conley: Our victory was just a lot of hard work along with lots of dedicated volunteers. Everywhere we went we handed out a lot of business-card-sized pass-along cards to build name recognition. We went where the votes were, and where I could connect with enough voters to win. Our goal was half plus one; we received half plus a little more than five hundred! I do believe God helps those who make the effort.

TNA: What is your strategy for beating Lindsey Graham on November 4?
Conley: We need more name recognition, and that will take at least a little bit of money, by no means parity with Graham, but between 10 and 20 percent. Remember, Tom Coburn was outspent 11:1 in his 2004 primary race for U.S. Senate in Oklahoma, but through a grass-roots effort he won the primary and went on to win the Senate seat in November. And through our own grass-roots effort here in South Carolina we will win this Senate seat. Certainly, we think there will be an increased turnout for Obama in South Carolina. Graham has been declared the worst Republican senator, and is widely despised; we need to take 10 percent of his base, and believe we can take at least 25 percent.

TNA: Do you see a Ron Paul-type candidate on the horizon in the Democratic Party?
Conley: I am that candidate.

Interview of Bob Conley by Jim Capo

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lindsey Graham: Obama's Useful Idiot or Partner in Treason?

Gives Obama the Right to Ignore Sixth Amendment, Jail American Citizens Without Trial

By Joe Wolverton, II

President Barack Obama signed a law on New Year's Eve granting himself absolute power to indefinitely detain American citizens suspected (by him) of being "belligerents." He promises he won't use it, however. 

On December 31, 2011, with the President's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the writ of habeas corpus — a civil right so fundamental to Anglo-American common law history that it predates the Magna Carta — is voidable upon the command of the President of the United States. The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is also revocable at his will.

The United States, as Senator Lindsey Graham declared during floor debate in the Senate, is now a theatre in the War on Terror and Americans "can be detained indefinitely ... and when you say to the interrogator, 'I want my lawyer,' the interrogator will say, 'You don't have a right to a lawyer because you're a military threat.'"

Don't worry, though. Although the President now wields this enormous power, he adamantly denies that he will ever "authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens." That guarantee is all that stands between American citizens and life in prison on arbitrary charges of conspiring to commit or committing acts belligerent to the homeland.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lindsey Graham, Lonely Cap-and-Trade Crusader

Obama's Three Stooges

The New Yorker has the story about how South Carolina's rogue Senator, Lindsey Graham, conspired to impose staggering new taxes on the American people through cap-and-trade legislation and cripple the US economy. And National Journal reports that Graham only abandoned his quest when he could not interest a single Republican Senator in his socialist plot, not even his mentor, John McCain.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lindsey Graham "Celebrates" Sotomayor Appointment

According to The Greenville News, Lindsay Graham will not only vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, he states, “I think it's appropriate to celebrate that the court has changed. This is an historic pick.”

The paper also reports that South Carolina may see a more conservative Lindsey Graham leading up to his next election. Dr. David Woodard, Clemson University political science professor, told the paper Grahamnesty can "do what he wants the next two years. The two years after that, he'll have to be a little more conservative. Then the two years heading into the next election, he'll be very conservative.”

What a relief to know that South Carolinians will only endure two more years of being labeled "bigots" by the United States Senator who has made his mark in Washington by betraying them. Let's hope that by 2014, the people will finally put an end to his games and elect a United States Senator who will stand with Senator DeMint
in proudly representing them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Weakest Link: Kagan Courts Lindsey Graham

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan once clashed with Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham over the treatment of terrorism detainees.

Now she's looking for his support in her drive to win confirmation as President Barack Obama's choice to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.

Kagan is returning to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to resume courtesy calls with senators, including Graham, a potential GOP ally despite their past differences.

Read the rest of this entry >>

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama's Big Plans for Lindsey Graham

Reed Galen, a California political strategist and Deputy Campaign Manager for John McCain until July 2007, has catalogued Obama's deft and extraordinary courting of John McCain.

Why, he asks, "would the President-Elect go to all the trouble of giving so much consideration to an opponent whom he soundly defeated?" It's not surprising that the sellout from Seneca plays a role.

Galen explains:
Obama understands that having John McCain as an ally in the United States Senate is a major boon to his policy initiatives. As the recent standard-bearer for the GOP, McCain will be enormously helpful; any Republican imprimatur on Obama legislation could help clear stubborn obstacles. The prospect of having a troika of votes in the Senate (McCain, Lieberman and Lindsay Graham) may have also played into the strategy; pushing a bill from 58 or 59 to the magic level of 60 votes is invaluable as the Democrats stand on the cusp of their magic number.
I wonder if those Republicans in South Carolina who voted for Lindsey Graham last year recognized how crucial a role he would play in the socialist plans of the new administration. Congratulations to you all. While Obama appears not to have been able to find anyone from the South to staff the cabinet and sub-cabinet positions he has filled, there is at least one useful idiot on whom he is depending.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Conservatives Can Replace Sen. Lindsey Graham, Use the Ted Cruz Model

From The Greenville Post
By Joshua Cook

The Ted Cruz ModelTed Cruz’s election was probably the biggest and most surprising victory of the 2012 campaign cycle.  Before the election, the now national Republican star was a virtually unknown name on a national scale. He ran against Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst in the primary for the seat of a retiring Republican senator, and spent the first part of his campaign running from out of state.  Cruz’s accomplishment was remarkable and has left people in other states wondering how they can put similarly principled and outspoken conservatives into office. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

South Carolina GOP US Senate Debate

Tomorrow is the day when South Carolinians can begin to end Lindsey Graham's betrayal of our state in the United States Senate.  We believe that of Graham's six challengers, Bill Connor is best prepared by ability, temperament, education and experience to represent South Carolina in the United States Senate, but every vote for a candidate other than Graham will help deny Graham victory without a runoff, and any one of his challengers would be a marked improvement over Graham.  We need two conservative votes in the United States Senate, not one vote cancelling out the other.

DreamHost review